New members with any level of experience are always welcome.
Once you are a member of URGQ you will be able to go on URGQ dive trips, hire tanks, grab an air fill at the club house and attend URGQ social functions.
URGQ members are added to our email list and will receive emails about upcoming dives and social functions.
Joining URGQ
New members are welcome to come and join us at our club house every Wednesday night. URGQ welcomes divers and non-divers with all levels of experience, from any dive training organisation.
Members can sign up and pay any Wednesday night from 7:30pm onwards, members may be voted in at any official URGQ event or function. Payment by Direct deposit is usually the easiest method of payment.
URGQ holds a General Meeting the first Wednesday night of every month. This is a great time for new members to meet other members, be voted in, pay their membership if they haven't done so already and have their dive certification sighted by an authorised committee member. We encourage everyone to come along to the meetings and be involved in your club.
We encourage new members to register online at the bottom of this page beforehand, as this makes it easier to get you set up on the email list quickly - but as mentioned above, your membership won't be active until you've been voted in, paid your membership fee and have had your dive certification card sighted by an authorised committee member.
Otherwise, membership forms are available from the secretary at the clubhouse.
Note that we do not have eftpos facilities at the club house so please bring cash or transfer your membership payment into our club bank account before you attend a meeting.
Membership Fees
Membership fees are due at the beginning of each financial year and last for one year. These fees are pro-rated according to what time of the year you join.
Yearly fee for divers - $150 (Full Member)
Yearly fee for non-divers - $30 (Associate Member)
Pro-rated fee for new diving members - $13 per month up to the end of the financial year
Note that we do not have eftpos facilities at the club house so when paying for your membership please bring cash or transfer your payment into our club bank account. On transferring funds to the club account please don't forget your details, surname/membership e.g. KelleyMembership so our Treasurer can keep the books in order.
Our club bank a/c details are:
Name of account: Underwater Research Group of Queensland Inc. (Most just use URGQ Inc.)
BSB: 064008
Account number: 00904176
Classes of Membership
Full Membership
Is open to all divers who have achieved a competency pass in any accredited dive course recognised in Australia.
Associate or Non-Diving Membership
Associate members are able to enjoy all the rights and privileges of full membership except that they are unable to take part in any group underwater activities or vote at General Meetings.
Temporary Membership
Is open to persons providing a material benefit to the club for a period of no more than 2 months. Temporary members are not eligible for office and are unable to vote at General Meetings.
Honorary Life Membership
Honorary life members may enjoy all the privileges of full membership and they are not required to pay annual subscription. Honorary Life Membership may be conferred on a full member by a resolution passed by a majority of seventy-five percent of financial full members present at the Annual General Meeting or at a General Meeting.
Child Membership
Is open to all persons who have a parent and/or legal guardian as a current Full Member and have not yet reached the age of 18 years. They can enjoy all the privileges of full membership except that they are not eligible for office and are unable to vote at General Meetings. In order to participate in diving activities, Child Members must have achieved a competency pass in any accredited dive course recognised in Australia.
Guest Membership
Is open to all persons who primarily reside no less than 150km in a straight line distance away from the Main Club facilities. They can enjoy all the privileges of full membership except that they are not eligible for office and are unable to vote at General Meetings. In order to participate in diving activities, Guest Members must have achieved a competency pass in any accredited dive course recognised in Australia.