
CYSM Sea Dragons

Club History

As another season closes, it gives us cause to reflect back on how far we have come and recognise those who have made a real difference in our club's journey.

We acknowledge and recognise:

LEADERSHIP of our captains 
SERVICE of our committees
MENTORSHIP of our coaches 
REWARD the achievements of our members.  

If in reading these lists, you are able to add to the documentation of our club's proud history, please contact our webmaster.


Club Coaches

MENTORSHIP: Commitment to growth and expert instruction of the club.

2024/25 Head coach: Carlos Diz
Senior coaches: 
Siu Wong, Phil Chan
Assistant coaches:
Steven Nguyen, Francisca Almeida, Christina Thornton



Head coach: Carlos Diz
Senior coaches: Siu Wong, Phil Chan
Assistant coaches: Steven Nguyen


2022/23 Head coach: Carlos Diz
Senior coaches: Boyce Wong, Siu Wong, Phil Chan
2021/22 Head coach: Carlos Diz
Senior coaches: Boyce Wong, Siu Wong, Phil Chan
Assistant coaches: Eric Cham
2020/21 Head coach: Carlos Diz
Senior coaches: Boyce Wong, Siu Wong
Assistant coaches: Yuan Soon, Patrick Myer
Trainee coach: Tina Wee
2019/20 Head coach: Carlos Diz
Assistant coach: Boyce Wong
Development coach: Siu Wong
2018/19 Head coach: Joe Alia
Senior coaches: Carlos Diz, Darren Newton
Assistant coaches: Boyce Wong, Siu Wong
2017/18 Head coach: Joe Alia
Assistant coach: Carlos Diz
2016/17 Head coach: Joe Alia
Assistant coach: Phil Chan
2005 - 2019 Head coach: Joe Alia


Club Captains

LEADERSHIP: Our Captains and Vice-Captains (VC) are the operational leaders within the club. They have a very good understanding of club culture and operations, are great communicators and support the development of all club members. They are role models for others in the club. 

2024/25 Pedro Camara Martinez, Melissa Tan, Luke Sleeman, Baris Monvoisin (VC), Tameilia Sue (VC)
2023/24 Kenny Jin, Michelle Delfos, Matt French, Baris Monvoisin (VC)
2022/23 Kenny Jin, Michelle Delfos, Matt French
2022/23 Steven Nguyen, Michelle Delfos, Darcy Dyer
2021/22 Kai Lin (Prems), Shane Meyer (Seniors), Steven Nguyen (VC)
2020/21 Kai Lin (Prems), Sue Phung (Womens), John Moffat (Masters), Young Tan (VC)
2019/20 Eric Cham (Prems), Sue Phung (Womens), John Moffat (Masters), Kai Lin (VC)
2018/19 Eric Cham (Prems), John Moffat (Masters), Sue Phung (VC; Womens)
2017/18 Carlos Diz & Cat Besido; Eric Cham (VC)
2016/17 Carlos Diz & Cat Besido; Eric Cham (VC)
2015/16 Chris Phoumsavanh
2014/15 Chris Phoumsavanh
2013/14 Chris Phoumsavanh
2012/13 Tony Gin & Tessa Hillgrove; Chris Walters (VC)
2011/12 Ting Cheng-Haines & Erika Yung (nee Ishigami)
2010/11 Ting Cheng-Haines & Erika Yung (nee Ishigami)
2009/10 Phillip Chan; Chris Melin (VC)
2008/09 Phillip Chan; Chris Melin (VC)
2007/08 Phillip Chan & Betty Dun
2006/07 Phillip Chan & Betty Dun
2005/06 Amelia Chin & Jenny Dun
2004/05 Amelia Chin
2003/04 Amelia Chin
1995 – 2003 Philbert Chin


Club Committees

SERVICE: Commitment and service to club is so important.


Core committee

President: Sue Phung
Secretary: Pedro Camara Martinez
Treasurer: Aidan Meyer
Recruitment Officer: Leslie Chan
Operations Officer: Captains
Marketing Officer: Vacant


Social Media Team: Fung Lay, Adrian Yip, Melissa Tan, Olivia Morley
Fundraising: Sam French



Core committee

President: Sue Phung
Secretary: Vacant
Treasurer: Aidan Meyer
Recruitment Officer: Leslie Chan
Operations Officer: Captains
Marketing Officer: Vacant


Social Media Team: Fung Lay, Adrian Yip, Melissa Tan
Fundraising: Sam French


Core committee

President: Sue Phung
Secretary: Vacant
Treasurer: Vicky
Recruitment Officer: Rose Krajisnik-Teo
Operations Officer: Captains
Marketing Officer: Kenny Jin


HQ Liaison:
Social Media Team: Sue Phung, Fung Lay, Adrian Yip, Kenny Jin
Members Representatives: Captains


Core committee

President: Claire Tan
Secretary: Sue Phung
Treasurer: Vicky Chung
Recruitment Officer: Brant Syn
Operations Officer: Captains
Marketing Officer:


HQ Liaison:
Social Media Team: Sue Phung, Fung Lay, Adrian Yip
Website Team: Claire Tan, Adrian Yip
Social Events + Bunnings Team: Young Tan
Inventory Officer:
Members Representatives: Captains
Regatta Team: Milisaa Meyer, Kai Lin, Steven Nguyen


Core committee

President: Claire Tan
Secretary: Sue Phung
Treasurer: Anthony Alvior
Recruitment Officer: Melissa Tan
Operations Officer: Captains


HQ Liaison:
Social Media Team: Fung Lay, Steven Nguyen, Young Tan
Website Team: Claire Tan
Social Events + Bunnings Team: Sue Phung, Jasmin Cheah, Connie Li, Sheryl Moh
Regatta Team: Kai Lin, Young Tan, Steven Nguyen


Core committee

President: Claire Tan
Secretary: Sue Phung
Treasurer: Grecia Foong
Operational Officer: Eric Cham


HQ Liaison: John Moffat
Social Media Team: Melissa Tan, Claire Tan, Young Tan, Eric Cham
Website Team: Carol Lee, Fung Lay, Claire Tan, Yuan Soon
Social Events + Bunnings Team: Young Tan, Connie Li, Sheryl Moh
Inventory Officer: Grecia Foong
Members Representatives: Captains
Safety Officer: Boyce Wong
Regatta Team: Kai Lin, Meyer Family

2018/19 President: Claire Tan
Secretary: Melissa Tan
Treasurer: Grecia Foong
Marketing & Recruitment Manager: Yuan Soon
Marketing & Recruitment Coordinator: Ting Cheng & Alex Boyd-Cave
Social Events & Fundraising Manager: Young Tan
Webmaster: Kai Lin
Members' Representative: Boyce Wong
Regatta Manager: Eric Cham
Regatta Coordinator: Tina Wee
Regatta Logistics: Vicky Chung
Investory Manager: Alex Renteria
Safety Officer: Sue Phung
Sweeps Coordinator: Darren Newton
2017/18 President: Claire Tan
Secretary: Mandy Li
Treasurer: Cindy Lu
Members' Representatives: Boyce Wong, Carol Lee
Marketing and Recruitment Manager: Yuan Soon
Social Events Manager: Young Tan
Webmaster: Kai Lin
Fundraising Manager: Meng Hou
Coaching Coordinator: Siu Wong
Regatta Manager: Eric Cham
Inventory Manager: Alex Renteria
Safety Officer: Catherine Besido
Sweeps Coordinator: Carlos Diz
2016/17 President: Chris Phoumsavanh
Secretary: Mon Lo
Treasurer: Cindy Lu
Regatta/race day manager: Cat Besido
Inventory manager: Alex Renteria
Sweep Coordinator & Safety Officer: Jack Chiu
Coach liaison: Siu Wong
Marketing manager: Eric Cham
Recruitment manager: Carlos Diz
Social & events coordinator: Vicky Chung
Webmaster: Fung Lay
Members representative: Meng Hou
2015/16 Committee chair: HuiJing Tan
President: Chris Phoumsavanh
Secretary: Patricia Duong
Treasurer: Rui Zhi Lai
Inventory manager: Jack Chui
Webmaster: Fung Lay
Regatta/race day manager: Mandy Li
Social coordinator: Carlos Diz
Coach liaison: Siu Wong
Members' representative: Patricia Duong, Chris Walters
Safety officer: Chris Phoumsavanh
2014/15 President: Chris Phoumsavanh
Secretary: Vicky Chung
Treasurer: Rui Zhi Lai
Inventory manager: Jack Chui

Captains: Phillip Chan, Betty Dun
Treasurer: Berrin Teo
Performance improvement by analytics: Michael Lee, Karsten Arold
Attendance tracking and PR: Chris Melin
Social event management: Kalvin Yeoh, Karsten Arold, Jasmine Cha


Club Awardees

REWARD: At the end of each season, the club gives out a number of awards pertaining to the outstanding contributions and/or physical & technical achievements of our members. More  about the awards


Team Spirit: Adrian Yip
Most Improved Paddler: Mon Lo
Joe Alia Rookie of the Season: Ankit Dahiya
Best Paddler: Connie Li, Adrian Yip, Olivia Morley (Junior)

Coaches' Choice Award: Jonathan (Joobey) Reyes
Captains' Choice Award: Connie Li
Committee Choice Award: Matt & Sam French
Volunteer Appreciation Award: Marilyn McClellan, Nicole Morley McClellan, Fung Lay, Sui Lay, Mon Lo, Ankit Dahiya, Mandy Li, Melissa Tan, Young Tan


Most Valuable Paddler: Kenny Jin
Most Improved Paddler: Michelle Delfos
Joe Alia Rookie of the Season: Adrian Yip
Best Paddler: Michelle Delfos, Dillon Ngan, John Moffat (Senior)

Coaches' Choice Award: Kenny Jin
Captains' Choice Award: Henry Chan
Committee Choice Award: Fung Lay
Volunteer Award: Baris Monvoisin, Matt French, Oana Sanislav


Team Spirit: Connie Li
Most Improved Paddler: Anita Wong, Kenny Jin
Joe Alia Rookie of the Season: Michelle Delfos

Coaches' Choice Award: Benny Teoh
Captains' Choice Award: Kenny Jin
Committee Choice Award: Eric Cham
Volunteer Award: Oana Sanislav


Most Valued Paddler: Connie Li
Best Paddler: Connie Li, Kai Lin, Shane Meyer (Senior)
Most Improved Paddler: Young Tan, Kevin Kesuma
Joe Alia Rookie of the Season: Steven Nguyen

Coaches' Choice Award: Meng Hou
Captains' Choice Award: Aidan Meyer
Commendation Award: Mandy Li
Appreciation Award: April Yeung, Byron Meyer, Aidan Meyer, Shane Meyer, Mandy Li, Milissa Meyer, Meng Hou, Ting Cheng-Haines, Fung Lay, Oana Sanislav, Gary McDougall, Sheryl Moh, Connie Li


Most Valued Paddler: Tina Wee
Best Paddler: Young Tan, Yuan Soon, Aidan Meyer (Junior)
Most Improved Paddler: Kai Lin

Coach's Choice Award: Melissa Tan, Anthony Alvior
Captains' Choice Award: Kaitlin Meyer
Commendation Award: Alethea Fu, Bryron Meyer, Milissa Meyer, April Yeung, Oana Sanislav
Appreciation Award: Cat Besido, Darren Newton


Most Valued Paddler: Mandy Li, Eric Cham
Best Paddler: Mandy Li, Eric Cham
Most Improved Paddler: Katie Nguyen, Kai Yan Lin
Best Rookie: Grecia Foong, Justin Nguyen
Team Spirit: Poh Young Tan, Shen Loh

Coach's Choice Award: Poh Young Tan, Kai Lin
Captains' Choice Award: Sue Phung, Jack Chui
Commendation Award: Fung Lay & Sui Lay, Cindy Lu, Yuan Soon
Appreciation Award: Meyer Family, Mon Lo, Shen Loh


Most Valued Paddler: Vicky Chung, Eric Cham
Best Paddler: Mandy Li, Eric Cham
Most Improved Paddler: Cindy Li, Yuan Soon
Best Rookie: Poh Young Tan, Kai Yan Lin
Team Spirit: Mandy Li, Fung Lay

Leadership Award: Cat Besido, Carlos Diz
Coach's Choice Award: Cindy Li, Benny Teoh
Captains' Choice Award: Tina Wee, John Moffat
Commendation Award: Vicky ChungChris Phoumsavanh 
Appreciation Award: Thi Tran, Angie Alethea Fu Enqi


Most Valued Paddler: Mandy Li, Fung Lay
Best Paddler: Cat Besido, Siu Wong
Most Improved Paddler: Sheryl Le Moh, Sui Lay
Best Rookie: Connie Li Wai Suen, Eric Cham
Team Spirit: Mandy Li, Carlos Diz

Appreciation Award: Coach Joe Alia
Leadership Award: Chris Phoumsavanh
Commendation Award: Cindy Li, Eric Cham, Carol Lee, Patricia Duong, Rui Zhi Lai, Fung Lay
Coach's Choice Award: Connie Li Wai Suen, Sui Lay 


Most Valued Paddler: Vicky Chung, Phil Chan
Best Paddler: Cat Besido, Siu Wong
Most Improved Paddler: HuiJing Tan, Lawrence Cheong
Best Rookie: Sheryl Le Moh, Fung Lay 
Team Spirit: Mandy Li, Carlos Diz


Most Valued Paddler: Carol Lee, Tony Gin
Best Paddler: Yuh Min Chong, Benny Teo
Most Improved Paddler: Nadinn Shamsul, John Moffat
Best Rookie: Ming Hui, Siu Wong
Team Spirit: Karen Yip, Jack Chui


Most Valued Paddler: Phillip Chan
Best Paddler: Boyce Wong
Most Improved Paddler: 
Best Rookie: Claire Tan, Chris Phoumsavanh
Team Spirit: Veronica Artono, Chris Phoumsavanh
Captain's Choice Award: Carol Lee (best new sweep)


Most Valued Paddler: 
Best Paddler: 
Most Improved Paddler: 
Best Rookie: 
Team Spirit: Phillip Chan


Most Valued Paddler: 
Best Paddler: 
Most Improved Paddler: Richard Yung
Best Rookie: 
Team Spirit: 


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