
Each team after they move up from teeball and modball has umpiring duties. It works out about every 2nd week. When your team has umpiring you are expected to provide a plate umpire and 2 base umpires.  The only exception to this rule is when MWSA appoints umpires to a game. In these circumstances MWSA may choose to only have a plate & 1 base umpire.

There is a penalty for not supplying all 3 umpires – loss of competition points and a fine.
Some basic “rules” for coaches and spectators:

  • Any aggressive behaviour towards an umpire will not be tolerated. The main reason we can’t get umpires is that they don’t like being “attacked”.
  • Umpires like players and coaches make mistakes – accept it and move on.
  • You can’t question a judgement call (out or safe, ball or strike) – the call that goes against you this time will go in your favour another. Live with it.
  • If you are asking a question of a rule interpretation then ask in a non aggressive way and accept the answer.
  • Don’t go back for a second bite of the cherry
  • Listen to the umpire – when they ask your team to hurry up do it.
  • If there is a problem with an overly aggressive coach, official or spectator then write it up in the day book. Without a something in writing we can’t do anything to stop it. 

RUN RULES – ALL GRADES (except Modball and Teeball):
Run limit rules apply to all grades and divisions except where special timed innings rules are played (Modball A & B and Teeball). That is a batting innings is complete when either 3 outs are made or the team scores the run limit. The limit is 5 runs. The “Mercy Rule” does not apply in any grade.

Shorty Rule:
A team will not be penalised by an automatic out, for having less than 9 players in the line-up. That is, the “Shorty Rule “does not apply. Note: Rule 17.4 continues to apply in relation to the Finals Series.

Junior Games:
An adult is required to be present during the game when a junior is umpiring. Their role is to provide support for the umpires – you don’t need to know the rules or be able to umpire, just be there in case. Remember the coach is typically an adult talking to a child – the child can be very easily intimidated.
Blues may be assigned to a game. The Club will be informed of this on the Thursday. Where Blues are assigned to the game there will be a supervising umpire with them. The supervising umpire may be on the diamond during the game assisting the umpires with positions etc. They are not there to make a call for the umpires.

Senior games:
Only Senior players can umpire a senior game unless they are assigned by the UIC or have been approved by the UIC. The penalty for using a non-approved junior is the same as not providing any umpires – forfeit of the game you have played and a fine.
NOTE: no shorty rule, no new innings with 5 minutes to go

Umpiring duty – buying a plate umpire

Umpiring duty consists of teams providing a plate umpire and 2 base umpires.

If you don’t wish to do the plate umpiring, you can pay to hire an experienced umpire.  

Teams may request a plate umpire from MWSA – the cost is $40 per game.  

Teams are encouraged to do their own base umpiring to assist in learning the rules.  No requests can be made for base umpires from MWSA.  If you chose to outsource your base umpiring duties then this is a private arrangement between teams and umpires direct.  Please note that all umpires must be registered with MWSA for insurance purposes.

The plate umpire assigned will be solely responsible for mentoring the base umpires as well.

To buy a plate umpire:
-    Send an email to by 5.00pm Tuesday asking for a plate umpire.  Include the name of the team they will be umpiring for.  If your request is late, MWSA will do its best but may not be able to provide an umpire.
-    On Thursday night you will get an email advising you the name of the umpire. The umpires provided are typically accredited juniors.
-    On Saturday you pay the umpire at the game.
-    You can request a plate umpire for one or all games for the season with the one email.

Please note that MWSA may not have enough umpires in any given week in which case you will still have to fulfill your umpiring commitments.


Learn to Umpire:

MWSA runs a “learn to umpire” program called “The Blues”. The program teaches you how to umpire and gives you a good understanding of the rules. It is open to adults as well as children over the age of 13. Participants umpire most Saturdays in teams of 3 or 4 with an experienced senior umpire. 
- Registration details will be on the Notice Board near the Rueb Hudson canteen and will be promoted on MWSA’s social media
- There will be rules sessions as well through the season (again, details will be advertised on the noticeboard and on social media)
- The program will start week 4


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