
Step 1/6: Let's get started
Step 1/6: Let's get started


Registrations now open for:

• Term 1 2025 Flippa Ball (8 week program)
• 'Come and try' Adult Water Polo 2025
• Juniors 2024/25 season
• Seniors Social Comp


* 8 weeks of Flippa Ball for 7-10 years of age

Tuesday evenings 6.30pm - 7.30pm for 8 weeks (term 1 2025), starts back Tuesday 11th February

* Juniors U12,U14 & U16 competition.

Season games played on Tuesdays - U12s 6.15pm - 7pm, U14/16s from 7pm onwards (game schedule now live)
Training on Wednesday evenings - U12s 6.15pm - 7pm, U14/16s 7pm - 8pm.

* Opens Social games.

Open Social games are played on Monday nights

* Adults 'come and try'

Monday nights 6.30pm (TBA) - $50 registration, Starts Monday 10th February for remainder of the season and covers pool entry and insurance. From ages 16+.
Aimed at complete beginners, to those who may have played in the past, but who are a bit rusty. Mentoring/coaching from experienced players available.

For further information please refer to the document below.


Players will be refused entry to the pool if not registered. If you would like to come for a free trial, please contact us to organise.

For safety and insurance SHWP enforces a 'No pay/No play' policy
Members will be prohibited from training/playing until they are financial



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