W i n g e c a r r i b e e A q u a t i c s P l a n
(Scroll down for Aquatic Plan development history below)
Update - 1 October 2024:
- We have uploaded a Final SHWP Submission for the proposed Regional Aquatic Centre which is available here:
SHWP Aquatics Plan Submission Final 29 September2024
Thanks to all who made Submissions, we will keep you posted with developments.
Yours in the Deep End,
Craig Moore (President) – 0477 799 311
Tony Springett (Co-Patron) – 0414 622 222
Carl Phillips (Co-Patron) – 0427 049 006
Miles Lochhead (Co-Patron) – 0409 038 366
Update - 17 September 2024:
Update - 29 August 2024:
Update - 9 August 2024:
* Council's Aquatics Plan, Business Case for a Regional Aquatic Facility and Business Case for a Multipurpose Indoor Sports Facility are now on public exhibition - access here:
- Our Club will be making a comprehensive Submission by the due date of 29 September 2024, we will soon provide some guidance to what we feel as a Club should be included in individual submissions - stay tuned to this page and social media for updates.
- Club officials have met with Federal MP for Whitlam, Stephen Jones, and NSW Independant Member for Wollondilly, Judy Hannan, who are both supportive of proposed Club aspirations for the final Aquatics Plan - more on this soon.
Update - 19 July 2024:
* The proposed Aquatics Plan and Business Cases for 1/ Regional Aquatics Facility and 2/ Multi-purpose Indoor Sporting Facility were presented to Council's Ordinary Meeting of 17 July - files uploaded below.
- There has been no comprehensive plan/strategy which includes all local sporting/recreational/community facilites in the Highlands until now
- The complex process of developing a Strategy was commenced after Council went into Administration
- Step 1 was development of the Community and Recreational Facilities Strategy starting in 2022, which was approved in October 2023
- Step 2 has been the development of a Draft Aquatics Plan and 2 Business Cases emanating from the Strategy Recommendations
- Step 3 is Exhibition of the above from 5 August until 29 September
- Step 4 will be progression to Concept Plans; Design and Costing of whatever the new Council approves in the Final Aquatics Plan
- Steps 3 & 4 will need to involve genuine community consultation with ALL stakeholders to ensure that a practical, fair and workable solution is devised
- Step 5 will be working out how to pay for this, sympathetic to many other community projects for the Highlands that need to be funded
- Note: From an Aquatic perspective in the North of the Shire, activity has been seriously compromised since flooding events at Mittagong Pool forced regular disruption (and now permanent closure) since 2016 - swimming (recreational and competitive) and water polo activites have suffered considerably for over 8 years now!
- The Plan suggests a timeline for delivery stretching out to 2030
- Now is your opportunity to contribute to Plan and Business Case finalisation through Submissions
The Plan and Business Cases were approved for Exhibition on 17 July as per the following Council Minute:
MN 2024/219
MOTION moved by the Administrator
1. Council endorse the following documents to be placed on Public Exhibition for a period of no less than eight weeks:
a. Aquatics Plan, which recommends:
i. Continued operation of Moss Vale War Memorial Pool
ii. Construction of Regional Aquatic Facility in Mittagong
iii. Closure of Bowral Swimming Centre and Bundanoon Pool upon opening of Regional Aquatic Facility
b. Business Case for Regional Aquatic Facility, which recommends:
i. Construction of Regional Aquatic Facility at the Mittagong Oval Precinct
c. Business Case for Multipurpose Indoor Sports Facility, which recommends:
i. Construction of Multipurpose Indoor Sports Facility at the Mittagong Oval Precinct
2. During the public exhibition period, advertisements and educational material be provided in local print media for at least two (2) weeks and two (2) print editions, as well as local radio and online social media engagements.
Council have provided a Community Update in the lead up to proposed Exhibition which commences on 5 August and continues until 29 September which is after the new Council is elected.
It is understood that the next Aquatic Plan/Business Case(s) Report will go to the new council on 20 November.
The Council Community Forum and Ordinary Meeting held on 17 July are available to view on Youtube:
Community Forum (relevant 5 speaker presentations start around 44 minutes in and end 1:57:07)
Aquatics Plan (Item 9.1 Aquatic Plan Exhibition start - 48:28, end 1:04:15)
Southern Highlands Water Polo will be making a comprehensive Submission on the Plan and Business Cases, stay tuned for updates and should you wish to provide input please email:
The long awaited AQUATICS PLAN for Wingecarribee Shire was presented to Council on Wednesday 17 July for approval to go on Exhibition, links to the relevant Report and Plan documents are as below:
https://www.wsc.nsw.gov.au/files/assets/public/v/1/council/meeting-minutes/2024/17-july-2024/agenda-ordinary-meeting-of-council-17-july-2024.pdf - Item 9.1
https://www.wsc.nsw.gov.au/files/assets/public/v/1/council/meeting-minutes/2024/17-july-2024/attachments-under-separate-cover-ordinary-meeting-of-council-17-july-2024.pdf - Aquatics Plan starts at p 991
This is a lengthy process with a forecast delivery timeframe of up to 6 years - 2030! The Plan has long term implications for water polo and aquatic sports so we need to get it right!
The water polo community is encouraged to read the Report and provide any comments to shwp@outlook.com
Our Club is recognised as a major stakeholder having participated in the development of the Wingecarribee Community Recreational Facilities Strategy approved by Council in October 2023, and will continue engagement as the Strategy is implemented.
We have the strong support of our local Member Judy Hannan and will be lobbying for financial assistance to develop facilites that are fit for purpose, when constructed, and well into the future.
We will update progress here as developments occur.
Update from Community and Recreational Facilites Strategy development in 2022-23
Southern Highlands Water Polo provided a comprehensive Submission in 2023 for the above Strategy which is available here:
SHWP CRF Strategy Submission
We also have had an opportunity for our voice to be heard as a Water Polo Community into the proposed Wingecarribee Community and Recreational Facilities Strategy (CRF) through completion of a Survey on the Draft Strategy. Visit Council's YourSay Page for updates.
Whats all this about?
Councils Draft CRF Study and Strategy was presented at the 21 June Ordinary Council Meeting 2023 and was open for public exhibition.
* SHWP made a formal Submission including responses to Survey Questions which is attached below.
* Please feel free to contact SHWP should you have any questions about the Strategy and SHWP involvment.
* Please send any correspondence to shwp@outlook.com
Thank you.
Mittagong Pool circa 1936
Full story here
Should you wish to dig deeper, scroll to bottom for a full list of relevant files that have led to the production of the Draft Aquatics Plan and business Cases on Exhibition from 5 August 2024