Club Night Information


Friday Nights - 2024 Calendar

5:30pm Start

5:00pm Set up | When Finished Pack up

Click to view 2024 Programs


Age Marshalls are required to supervise an age group during the whole of the afternoon or evening program.

The Age Marshall will be given a folder containing the program for their age group and field event result sheets. The Age Marshall is responsible for ensuring children attend each event programmed for them and encourage parents to come out with them. Without parents help we wouldn’t be able to run the program. Age Marshalls should ensure all athletes have their performances recorded.


All Athletes are required to participate in the warm-ups. This includes jogging and stretching exercises. Club Seniors will direct other age groups through the warm up routine.


Cairns Athletics is run entirely by volunteer parents. On competition days, there can be up to 100 children taking part in four or five events each. With at least twelve age groups, this makes for a busy day.

Parents must be prepared to help at club days to ensure everything runs smoothly and children obtain the maximum benefit from their events. We need parents to help with a variety of tasks ranging from assisting at a field event and acting as Age Marshalls.

Children appreciate the presence of their parents as volunteers. It is a family undertaking and it is an enjoyable and rewarding task if everyone does their share. No previous experience is needed to assist out on the field or with timekeeping for the track events and there are a number of qualified officials to guide parents.

On the first Club Day, familiarisation sessions for parents will be held as part of Orientation to explain what is involved in officiating in the various track and field events.

Parents and carers move around the grounds with their child’s group to watch them participate in the day’s events. This is where you can also assist in the various tasks that are essential for each event. These tasks include, but are not limited to:

  • Track Events: Record Lanes, Record Results
  • High Jump: Bar measurement, Bar Placement, Record Results
  • Long / Triple Jump: Rake after each jump, Measure, Spike, Record Results
  • Shot Put: Measure, Spike, Roll Shot back, Record Results
  • Discus: Measure, Spike, Roll Discus back, Record Results
  • Javelin: Measure, Spike, Retrieval, Record Results


When signing on, children will be allocated to age groups according to Athletics North Queensland (ANQ) regulations. Your child is to compete in their allocated age group for the entire season.

At commencement of club day, children are organised into their age groups and parent helpers are asked to gather with appropriate groups. No event will start unless an age marshall and minimum of two parent helpers are present.

Each age group will have five events for the day to complete. Routinely Cairns Athletics will run three events, have a break for about 15 minutes and then finish with the final two events. Children should carry their water bottles with them to events, leaving their snack food in the grandstand until break time.

Age Marshalls and parent helpers are asked to ensure their group follows the set program as it can significantly impact on the flow of the day.


There is always fifteen minutes allocated during club days so parents and children can have a break. The Club will endeavour to have the canteen operational on all Club Days. Parent assistance in the canteen on club days is essential.

Assistance in the canteen is also required for carnivals held throughout the year. 


  • Water Bottle
  • Club shirt with ANQ number
  • Enclosed shoes are compulsory for all events and athletes.


  • Parents please ensure that your child/children have had their performances recorded before leaving the event so they don’t miss out on their points.
  • Athletes 16 years and younger MUST have an adult over the age of 18 in attendance for the duration of the club competition. No adult = no participation.
  • ANY injuries, no matter how slight, should be reported to a Committee Member, or the Club’s First Aid Officer.
  • Ice packs are available at the canteen. These are the property of the club, and must be returned prior to leaving Barlow Park.



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