
Step 1/6: Let's get started
Step 1/6: Let's get started

Welcome to the 2024 Hockey Season

Registration for the regular EHA 2024 season is now OPEN!

Junior Registrations close on 14th March to enable teams to be formed- see below for Grade time schedule

Registration is essential to train and/or play in order to comply with Hockey Australia insurance requirements

EHA is now offering NO Processing Fees when making registration payment 

*** The preferred browser for this website is Google Chrome NOT Safari***


EHA accepts kidsport vouchers. Please email with your childs voucher. You will then be emailed the code to be used at registration. For 2024, KidSport Vouchers are set at $150.00 per eligible player.  Who is eligible for KidSport?  All Western Australian children aged 5 to 18 with a valid Health Care Card or Pensioner Concession Card are eligible for KidSport. Parent information regarding this can be found- HERE. The Hockey Australia levy is not covered by kidsport, only the EHA portion of the Registration fees.


2024 Junior Game Times





Hookin2Hockey- Previously Minkey & Goldsticks

Pre Primary - Year 1


10.00- 10.45am

Junior 2/3

Year 2 & 3

7- 9

8.00- 8.45 am

Junior 4/5

Year 4 & 5

9- 11

9.00- 9.45am

Junior 6/7/8 (Y8 have option to play in this grade or U17)

Year 6- 8

11- 14

9.55- 10.50am

U 17

Year 8- 12

13- 17

11.05- 12.20am


For All Registrations the process for 2024 is:

1. Complete the Registration or Renewal request below

2. Complete and process the appropriate Payment section  

3. You will receive a confirmation email when the membership request has been processed and approved.

4. If you are transferring from another association you will be asked some transfer information and you will have to wait for that process to be completed before you can proceed.


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