Club Meeting November - Port Phillip Reef Restoration
Tue 21 Nov 2023 20:00 — 21:45
Event information
This event has passed.
Hi Club Members & Guests,
I hope the diving has been great for you all over the past 4 weeks. The November Club meeting is forming.
This month's guest speaker is Simon Branigan from The Nature Conservancy.
Up to 50% of Port Phillip Bays seafloor was once dominated by shellfish reefs. Due historical overharvesting, coastal pollution and disease these reefs almost disappeared. The Nature Conservancy Australia (TNC’s) has been embarking on an ambitious project to brings these reefs back from the brink of extinction. Simon Branigan will share the progress that TNC have made with the 12 hectares of shellfish reefs restored since 2017, the exciting monitoring results and upcoming restoration plans.
Following the presentation will be the photo competition, events, news and travel.
Attendance and Registration
The meeting will be held at The Clare Castle, 354 Graham St, Port Melbourne, VIC 3207. Meet at 7pm for dinner. Meeting will start at 8pm.
If you wish to attend in person, you must register HERE (the room is limited)
If there are insufficient numbers of registered attendees by 12pm (noon) on the Monday prior, we will cancel the live meeting.
If you wish to attend via zoom, the login in details are:
Meeting ID: 858 8055 8681
Passcode: 021427
If you are attending via zoom, there is no need to register.
The Committee and I are looking forward to seeing you.