President's Cup


Sat 12 Mar 2022 09:00 — 18:30
UNSW David-Phillips Sport Field

Event information

This event has passed.

What is it: A gala day of men’s games against USYD, an exhibition game of mixed UNSW players, and the club’s start of season drinks in the evening.

When: Saturday 12th March 2022, sausage sizzle from 12pm

9:00am - SL5/6 UNSW v SYD UNI

10:15am - SL3/4 UNSW v SYD UNI

11:30am - SL1 UNSW v SYD UNI 

1:00pm - PL3 UNSW v SYD UNI 

2:15pm - PL2 UNSW v SYD UNI

3:30pm - PL1 UNSW v SYD UNI

5:00pm - President's Cup Match

6:30pm - Drinks at The Regent Hotel Kingsford (including bar tab!)

Where: Games at David Phillips Field, drinks from 6.30pm @ The Regent Hotel, Kingsford

Why should I come? To make new friends, watch lots of hockey, and enjoy a BBQ & drinks provided by our sponsors, Lust Liquor!
BYO snacks, and bring cash for raffle tickets and other refreshments!

Let us know whether you're planning to attend through our Facebook event!


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