$45* All Tots Affiliation Fees will be paid by Karilee.
$325 (or 3 x $175)
Tinies (4 to 7 yrs)
$765 (or 3 x $255)
Sub Juniors (8 to 10 yrs)
$990 (or 3 x $330)
Juniors (11 to 13 yrs)
$1,020 (or 3 x $340)
Inters (14 to 17 yrs)
$1,035 (or 3 x $345)
Seniors (18yrs +)
$1,035 (or 3 x $345)
Masters (26yrs +)
$960 (or 3 x $320)
A family discount of $50 will be applied to the Term 3 invoice when there is more than one participant from the same family (living at the same residence) who has completes for the full competition season.
The Karilee Bring a Friend Campaign provides a 50% discount off one terms fee for each new participant members recruit when they stay for the entire competition season. Multiple discounts will apply when more than one person joins. Discounts will be applied to the member’s Term 3 invoice.
Additional Information
Cali ACT State Affiliation Fee
The Cali-ACT State Affiliation Fee is compulsory for all competitors. This must be paid in full at the start of season and is non-refundable. For 2025, all Tots new participants Cali-ACT State Affiliation Fee will be paid by Karilee.
The Season Fee Covers
Tuition, hall hire, costumes, specialist coaching weekend, competition entry fees and participant’s EOY presentation event entry. It also includes a ticketing levy which allows free entry for spectators to all Cali-ACT run competitions.
The Season Fee Does Not Cover
Essential cali equipment (clubs, rods, yoga block and practice skirts), uniforms or merchandise, personal items needed for competitions such as underwear, eyelashes, hair pins, social activities or interstate competition costs.
Interstate Competition Trip
Our Sub Juniors through to Masters teams usually attend an interstate competition in August or September. This will be charged in addition to the term fees set out above. Tinies sometimes attend an interstate competition.
The interstate trip cost for each participant will vary depending on the competition location and the travel arrangements. Travel costs are subsidised by team or club fundraising activities including the Karilee Solo Competition.
Payment Method & Options
Karilee will issue invoices at the beginning of each term for the season fees as shown in the table above.
Each participant will receive a separate invoice from our membership database (RevSport).
Please include the revSport code and Surname in the payment reference.
Karilee offers an agreed revSport payment plans with invoiced payment to be finalised by the end of each Term.
Invoices can also be paid by credit card using revSport’s Pin Payment method (a 2% fee applies).
A final invoice will be issued in October/November with any remaining costs from the interstate trip (if applicable).
Please contact our Treasurer by emailing karileetreasurer@gmail.com for more information or account details.
Outstanding Fees
Please contact the Treasurer as soon as possible if you experience any difficulties paying your account. We can’t assist if we don’t know there is a problem.
Overdue notices will be automatically sent out at 14 days, 21 days and 30 days where payments have not been received unless you are on an agreed payment plan.
If your account is more than 30 days overdue, you may be required to make all further payments in advance or enter into a payment plan or direct debit arrangement with the option of having their credit card automatically charged.
Those with a history of overdue accounts in previous years will be required to enter into a direct debit arrangement and agree to have their card automatically charged or pay the full season fees year in advance.
Registrations will not be accepted while there are outstanding debts from previous years.
Participants will not be declared financial for solo competition entry unless registration and season fees are up to date.
Debts outstanding as of 31 December may result in recovery action being taken.
For more information on Outstanding Fees, please read the Karilee Debt Policy and the Team Withdrawal Policy.
2025 Karilee Rego - Season Fees.docx Last updated: 10 January 2025