
Spiral Class Association of Australia Inc


January 2024 Newsletter

Published Sat 06 Jan 2024


NATIONALS.   That’s right, they are on 26-28 January – that is this month!  The Notice of Race (N.O.R.) is on the website.  Please register A.S.A.P. using the website. 

The local council is charging a fee for camping, but it will be covered by your Association so camping will be FREE!  Bunking down in the hall is also available f.o.c.

As previously mentioned, there is Teams Sailing Day planned on the afternoon of the Thursday the 25th.   Details below.

If you need your boat to be measured at the Nationals please contact John Franklin, Association Measurer, m: 0418 226 491, A.S.A.P. 

As mentioned in past newsletters, the Spiral AGM will be on the evening of Friday the 26th and as usual we plan to get together for at least one evening meal.  There will be finger food at the AGM so come along and have your say in your Association.  There will be an update and some ideas from your committee’s subgroup re mixing sail sizes (Standard, 5.6 and 4.5) at events. 


TRAVELLER’S TROPHY SERIES.  By the time you read this the Nowra Marathon on Sunday the 7th will have been run so the report will be in a future newsletter. 

There is an updated Notice of Series on the Spiral website.

On Saturday the 13th the BALMORAL  T.T. will be held.  Race start is at 2pm.

Parking is challenging at Balmoral.  Arrive early (11:30-12:00).  Drop of your trailer.  Free parking is along Plunket Road. 

Sign-on and off is through the website BALMORAL SAILING CLUB - Home (balmoralsc.com.au)

Visitors fee, purchasing of food and drinks is done electronically.  Instructions at the club house.


SPIRALS IN THE U.K.  We have been contacted by a person from the U.K. who understandably thinks Spirals are the best boat to sail and wants to start them there.  Your committee is looking into this exciting possibility.  Who knows, maybe one day an international Spiral competition! 


Teams Sailing Day at Spiral Nationals at Oak Flats.

The Spiral Association is organizing a Teams Day at Oak Flats Sailing Club on Thursday, January 25, before the first day of the Spiral Nationals. 

For those who are able to get to Oak Flats early, we invite you to join a team for an afternoon of competitive fun and preparation.

The concept is:

  • Three sailors per team (Junior sailors are the focus of the teams).
  • Teams consist of one full sail, one 5.6 sail and one 4.5 sail.
  • The course sailed will be a short course.
  • There will be several races, depending on time and conditions.
  • Enable starting practice and interpreting the course conditions.
  • Preferable a junior sailor using a 4.5 sail.
  • Preferable each team have an ‘elite’ sailor.
  • The ‘elite’ sailor is the coach and tactician for the team.
  • The full and 5.6 sailors will sail a full course.
  • The 4.5 sailor will sail a shortened course.
  • Scoring may be by finishing points or combined times (yet to be determined).
  • Rewards will be knowledge, practice and comradery.

If you would like to participate, please advise Grae Baker, m: 0424 678 800, so teams and gear can be organised.  The more teams, the better for all.


See you at the Nationals. 

Bill Jauncey.   Acting Publicity Officer.      billjauncey@hotmail.com  

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