
October 2023 Newsletter

Published Fri 20 Oct 2023

Unfortunately, or possibly fortunately, the Sunday racing at Callala Bay long weekend Regatta was blown out but the Saturday racing gave us our TT 1 result, which is on the website. Keep watching the website for heaps of news.

As I write this, twelve Spirals are winding up the Masters Games in Adelaide, and we look forward to hearing all about it when they return. You can hear the reports firsthand at the upcoming events.

Membership. There are still 15 Members from last season that have not renewed their membership. If you are planning to sail this season, please do so asap


The excitement continues to roll on now the season is underway. Coming events are:

CRSC MARATHON. I tried this one for the first time last year and it is well worth the drive. Make it a date on Saturday 28 October. Start is at 2pm and it is a great chance to get together after the race.

ACT DINGHY TITLES. Saturday 11 November and Sunday 12 November. A number of Spirals are planning to go to this one and the NOR and entry is on the Canberra Yacht Club website. Just Google ‘ Dinghy Championships’ and go to the CYC link. The TT is the first race of the regatta. Entry is on line and costs $70 up to 17.00 on the Friday the 10th then $90 after that, but please check on their website that I have it correct.

STATE TITLES 25-26 NOVEMBER. This is in conjunction with the Teralba Regatta at the northwest end of beautiful Lake Macquarie and offers some excellent sailing. The website says the NOR will be available soon but our entry will probably be through our Association. More details will follow closer to the event but mark it in your calendar.

Spiral NSW State Championship Fees Adult member fee: $100.00

Adult member fee per race: $20.00

Junior member fee: Free

Non MemberEntry Fee

Adult non-member fee: $130.00 (includes $30.00 non-member fee)

Junior non-member fee: $30.00 (includes $30.00 non-member fee)

That is it for the moment. I hope to see you at the CRSC Marathon. Bill Jauncey, Acting Publicity Officer.

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