Silver Salties Program Completion Survey

Congratulations on completing a Silver Salties Program.

Your feedback is valued and we appreciate your time completing this short survey. 

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Program Details

Program Satisfaction

How satisfied were you that you met any of the following objectives by participating in a Silver Salties Program?

Physical Activity Recommendations for Older Australians

Your participation in Silver Salties may have helped your meet one or more of the physical activity recommendations for older Australians (65 years and older). Please indicate below if you believe Silver Salties helped you meet any of these recommendations.

Physical Fitness

How would you rate your level of fitness, strength, flexibility and balance before and after participating in Silver Salties?

Mental Wellbeing and social Connectedness

How would you rate your level of mental wellbeing and social connectedness before and after participating in Silver Salties?

Barriers to Participation

Did any of the following barriers affect your participation in Silver Salties?

Program Importance & Rating

How important were the following aspects in relation to your participation in Silver Salties?
Please provide an overall program rating (1 = Unsatisfied, 10 = very satisfied)

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