Learn To Skate



ALL 4 Junior Based LEARN-TO-SKATE Sessions

are currently FULL ..

We humbly apologise to the families we have not been able to secure spots for in this coming terms program... 

.. if there happen to be any last minute cancellations, we will be sure to contact suitable registrations promptly.

Please still reach out to us & register your interest online for these positions

as we fill vacancies according to dates and suitability 

we also encourage all to join us for a roll in the meantime at our all ages sessions every Tuesday & Wednesday evening, no bookings needed, althoughthey are not lessons, we are there to assist everyone in their rolling journey, no matter their age, levels or abilities...





we are happy to say that we will be again able to offer 4 sessions per week, dedicated to juniors.

where your avid little rollers can touch the sport for the first time, or continue to advance their skills in a safe and welcoming environment ..

  no teams, no comps, no strict levels, no lists to tick.

 just our always inclusive, flexible, unique rollerskating sessions with our very own amazing coaches. 

we have been proudly supporting our rather diverse and unique community here for over 10 years.

we haven't come across any little quirks or hurdles we can't cater for yet ..

we are passionate about supporting everyone that wishes to roll with us.

if you have any special needs or concerns, please reach out for a chat. 

Session Information

* Bookings Required (to maintain numbers and the best experience for all)

** Tuesdays ..  5:00 pm - 5:45 pm .. Mixed levels 

** Wednesdays .. 5:00 pm - 5:45 pm .. Mixed levels

** Fridays .. 4:00 pm - 4:45 pm .. Beginners & Intermediate 

** Fridays  5:00 pm - 5:45 pm .. Advanced & Intermediate

** These Learn To Skate Sessions will only run throughout the school terms. 

*** We are approved SCHOOL SPORTS VOUCHER suppliers (click the link for more information on how to use a voucher)

**** Booking information & links to come shortly



Fee Changes From Previous Years. 

 the Centre has undergone recent Management changes 

which saw our Club take over the LEARN  TO  SKATE  PROGRAM

so that we could keep our amazing little skaters rolling.

the fees needed to be increased moving forward to continue to offer the quality program that many families have come to expect.

This is due to a few things...

  • Council & Management will no longer be funding this program...
  • the cost of living in every factor has risen considerably...
  •  Court & Skate Hire costs...
  •  Equipment & Coaches’ costs...


as well as the amount of extra time & effort

Our club & its Coaches need to be placed in this program

so that our Skaters & their Families continue

to have a wonderful experience here with us ..

where we offer a rather unique, flexible, diverse & inclusive

learning experience for our community.


The fees have risen 

yet the Club will still be absorbing multiple costs

to keep this program rolling the way you have all come to enjoy.


& has many Insurance & Administration fees

that are above previous Centre & council-run programs.


We are able to offer the use of the SA GOVERNMENTS SPORTS  VOUCHERS

& have tried to factor this in with families that can & can’t utilize them,

as well as families with multiple children.



Term Bookings Prices will now be based on

  • $ 130 for the term 3 .. to secure your spot every week 

  • $20 skate hire (term)

  • $17 casual visit (**upon availability)

**Please be aware that casual visits are subject to capacity and most times cannot be confirmed until the day of the sessions, sometimes only hours beforehand, be sure to confirm before rocking up to sessions to avoid disappointment) 


.. please follow this link to register your interest in the program

or email us at  skatefitcru@gmail.com 



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