Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Where do you meet? Our turn off is located on Kosciuszko Road about half a kilometre past Snowy Mountains Grammar School. Turn right at the Sailing Club / Snow Dragons sign. Head down the dirt road and park on the left before you hit the walking track. You’ll see us down there with the boats.
  2. How long are the sessions? 60 minutes on the water plus 15 minutes organising equipment before and after the session. Saturdays are longer as we go for coffee and brunch at a local café.
  3. Do I need any special equipment? Not in the beginning. We have paddles and PFD you can borrow.
  4. What should I wear? Normal work out gear – think tights or shorts and a T-shirt. You must wear shoes on the boat - slip on surf shoes are ideal or old runners that can get wet. We recommend sunscreen, hat and old sunnies that you don’t mind losing if they fall into the lake. Don't forget a water bottle and towel. 
  5. Will I get wet? Your feet may get wet and sometimes up to your knees as we prepare the boat for paddling. Someone may splash you a little whilst we are paddling. 
  6. Are there age restrictions? Anyone 10 years or older can paddle. The more members we have, the more boats we get out on the water and the more age divisions we can compete in.

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