Wednesday Night Trail Run
Wednesday Night Trail Run - Lysterfield Lake
Are you looking for a new challenge?
Do you enjoy the outdoors, a sense of freedom, a great view or running with wildlife?
Join us on the trails for a run with a like-minded group of trail runners. Explore the many and varied trails within Lysterfield Park.
Learn how to run on uneven surfaces and embrace the challenges of elevation and the art of the downhill running, navigating rocks, roots, fallen trees or other obstacles. You may encounter loose, slippery gravel or mud, but that's all part of the fun of trail running. Discuss some tips and tricks for running on the trails, discuss the pros and cons of trail shoes, hydration, nutrition, safety and clothing required for trail running.
Beginners: an easy pace for all abilities, expected to run approx 6KM. (NB: Beginners sessions operate in Daylight Savings only). Please don't hesitate to contact us for more information.
Prerequisites for Beginners: can run 5KM without stopping and a positive can do attitude.
Intermediate: enjoy a longer or more challenging run, approx 8-10KM to work on improving your skills, elevation or distance. Pace may vary based on the abilities of the group.
There is always an opportunity for loop backs to ensure all runners abilities are catered for. Please don't hesitate to contact us for more information.
Prerequisites for Intermediate: can run 8KM without stopping and a positive can do attitude