
Located on the spectacular northern shoreline of Lake Macquarie, within the beautiful Speers Point Park sporting and cultural precinct, Speers Point Amateur Sailing Club Inc (SPASC) has been active in developing sailors and facilitating dinghy, and more recently, catamaran racing since 1905. We have enduring links with the local community including a strong association with Lake Macquarie City Council (LMCC) for over 50 years.

The clubhouse was built (in stages) at the current location around 1970 with members contributing labour, donations and organising a bank loan (no additions were made subsequent to original construction) with Department of Planning, Industry and Environment (DPIE) being the leaseholder of the site which is surrounded by Speers Point Park (under LMCC Management).  A Special Lease of the land on Speers Point Park was issued in November 1970 and expired at the end of December 2009, when this lease moved to ‘holding over provisions’ through Crown Lands.

In March 2008 LMCC adopted the Speers Point Park Master Plan, which encompassed the land occupied by SPASC, and stated "To ensure the survival of the sailing club, whilst also providing additional amenity to Speers Point Park, the potential exists for the sailing club building to be retrofitted to allow for the inclusion of a fit for purpose commercial operation".

SPASC supports the recommendations with respect to the future development of the clubhouse and site as detailed within the Speers Point Park Master Plan.

Please do not hesitate to contact our Secretary, Bec Greentree, email spascsailing@gmail.com for more information, or drop past and call in any saturday from 9am between 7/9/24 and 25/4/25.

A  full list of our office bearers and their contacts is available below.

Files available for download