Competitive Ruling 2 2024

Competitive Ruling 2 2024: RMIT Player Addition Semi Finals 

In the matter of RMIT’s request to add a female player from Deakin University to their League of Legends team for the upcoming semifinals, the regulatory body overseeing this competition has deliberated and come to a decision that considers the unique circumstances presented, along with our commitment to inclusivity and the promotion of women's participation in esports.

Background Context:

RMIT finds itself unable to field a complete team for the upcoming semifinals due to unforeseen circumstances. In light of this, a petition was made to allow the addition of a female player from Deakin University, who has shown exemplary skill and conduct, to compete with RMIT for the duration of the semifinals. It's noted that the player's rank has increased, indicating improved skill, but the difference is not so significant as to disrupt the competitive balance of the game. Additionally, this ruling body recognizes the importance of supporting and promoting women's sports, including esports, as part of our broader commitment to diversity and inclusion in competitive gaming.


This decision is grounded in several key considerations that align with broader goals of fostering diversity, equality, and community engagement in esports. After careful consideration, the request is hereby approved under the following conditions:


The female player from Deakin University will be allowed to join RMIT’s League of Legends team strictly for the duration of the semifinals. This transference is temporary and solely for the purpose of enabling RMIT to compete.

Competitive Balance:

The increase in the player's rank, while noted exited player is Platinum and new player is Diamond, has been assessed and deemed not to introduce a significant imbalance to the competition as loss of side selection will be required by RMIT. This decision takes into account the individual skill levels across participating teams and aims to preserve the competitive integrity of the tournament.

Formal Agreement:

Both universities involved (RMIT and Deakin University) are required to draft and sign a formal agreement outlining the terms of this temporary transference, including the duration and any conditions specifically agreed upon between the two parties. This document will also confirm that the player and both universities understand and agree to the temporary nature of this arrangement for this season.

Promotion of Women's Esports:

This decision is also made with the intention of promoting and increasing women's participation in esports, not reducing them. It is an acknowledgment of the importance of providing opportunities for female gamers to compete and showcase their skills on equal footing. Future

Policy Review:

For Split 2 2024, in light of this ruling, a review of the current policies regarding player transfers and team compositions, specifically in emergency situations and with a lens towards inclusivity and support for underrepresented groups, will be conducted. This is to ensure that the competitive framework can adapt and remain fair and inclusive.

OLI Tournament Admin wishes RMIT success in the semifinals and commends the player from Deakin University for her willingness to participate and contribute to the competition under these exceptional circumstances. We believe this decision not only addresses the immediate issue at hand but also aligns with our broader goals of fostering a more inclusive and diverse competitive environment.

Final Remarks:

This ruling is a testament to the flexibility and adaptiveness required in the dynamic world of esports, balancing competitive integrity with inclusivity. It is our hope that actions like these pave the way for more inclusive practices and policies that support and enhance the participation of women and other underrepresented groups in esports.

We thank you for your attention to this matter and wish all teams the best in their future competitions.




The OLI ODT Tournament Administration

24 April 2024 5.03pm

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