

STEP 1 - Become a member

  1. Click on the REGISTRATION tab.
  2. Click on the REGISTER button if you are a new member or Click on the RENEW button if you are an existing member..

     3. Fill in the required details and select the appropriate club registration type.

General Registration/Insurance - Kindy Gym

General Registration/Insurance - $65 - covers all the Recreational Classes and TeamGym Classes. i.e. , GymFun, GymSkills, AeroFun/Skills, FreeG/Ninja Kids, and TeamGym

- General Registration/Insurance - Coach - covers all our Coaches.

 General Registration/Insurance - GentleGym (Older Adults) - covers our athletes who are of mature age and are participating in our "Fitter For Life" program.

 - WG & MG Levels Registration/Insurance - covers gymnasts who compete in the National Levels programs.

4. Click 'NEXT STEP' and complete the remainder of the required registration information.

You will be sent an email with a unique username and you will be required to log in and create a password. You will also be able to download the invoice for your Registration Fee.

STEP 2 - Book into classes

1. Log-in using the unique username sent to you and the password you created.

2. Select the class you wish to book into and then select 'Book into all Sessions'

If you require any further information e.g Registering more than 1 child, Booking into more than 1 class, How to use an 'Active Kids Voucher, please refer to the EGC - Registration and Class Enrolment Guide or send an email through the contact page and we will respond as soon as possible.



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