Code of Conduct

Hockey Australia

2025 Hockey Australia National Registration Terms and Conditions

Your application for membership will be considered and may be accepted or rejected in accordance with the relevant AHO's governing rules. In consideration of Your application for membership of the AHO, You agree to the following terms and conditions:



1.       In these terms and conditions, the following words have the corresponding meaning:

(a)       Activity means participating in any capacity in any hockey match, competition, event, or activity (including training), whether on a one-off basis or as part of a series, league, or competition, which is sanctioned or organised by a Relevant Organisation, including but not limited to participation as a player, coach, support personnel, official or administrator.

(b)       Australian Hockey Organisation (AHO), which means and includes Hockey Australia, Member Associations, Regional Associations and Clubs.

(c)       Club means any hockey club which is a member of, or affiliate to a Regional Association or Member Association that enters a player or a team to participate in an Activity.

(d)       Hockey Australia (HA) means Hockey Australia Limited (ACN 088 988 836).

(e)       Member Association (MA) means each state and territory member of Hockey Australia recognised under the Hockey Australia Constitution.

(f)        National Integrity Framework (NIF) means the Hockey Australia National Integrity Framework consisting of the following five (5) policies:

a.         Safeguarding Children and Young People Policy

b.        Member Protection Policy;

c.         Competition Manipulation and Sport Gambling Policy;

d.        Improper Use of Drugs and Medicine Policy; and

e.         Complaints, Disputes and Discipline Policy

subject to amendment from time to time and made available at

(g)       Participant means a person who is registered, or entitled to participate, in an Australian Hockey Organisation Activity

(h)       Regional Association means those regional or metropolitan hockey associations which are members of, or affiliated to a Member Association.

(i)         Rules mean all rules, regulations, by-laws and policies of the relevant Australian Hockey Organisation, including but not limited to the:

a.         Relevant AHO’s constitution;

b.        Hockey Australia National Integrity Framework;

c.         Hockey Australia Code of Conduct;

d.        Hockey Australia Social Media Policy; and

e.         Hockey Australia Concussion Policy

subject to amendment from time to time and made available at or as made available by the relevant AHO.

(j)         You, Your or Yourself means you, and any child or young person under 18 upon whose behalf you register with an Australian Hockey Organisation, and accept these terms and conditions, where the context so permits.

Compliance with Rules

2.       You commit to safeguarding all Participants, particularly children and young people, from harmful behaviours such as abuse, bullying, harassment, discrimination, grooming, and other forms of misconduct. You are expected to report any incidents or concerns promptly.

3.       You agree to be bound by and comply with all Rules, directions, determinations, and decisions made by the relevant AHO.

4.       You acknowledge and accept that breaching any Rules may result in disciplinary action.

5.       Without limiting the application of any relevant Rules or any right to terminate Your membership under the AHO's governing rules, the AHO may terminate your membership registration at any time, including if your participation or behaviour interferes with any other Participant's safety or enjoyment of hockey, subject to any requirements of the AHO's constitution.

6.       You accept responsibility for familiarising yourself with the Rules and any updates, as well as additional Rules adopted by the relevant AHO and communicated to You in the future.

7.       HA will provide educational resources to assist Participants in understanding their obligations under the National Integrity Framework and other Rules. Visit  for more information.

Reporting Obligations

8.       You agree that if you see, hear, or experience any suspicious or unwelcome activity, or any integrity issues or concerns, including but not limited to child safety, abuse, harassment, bullying, match-fixing or doping, you must report it through one of the following channels:

·       Email:

·       Online:

·       Phone: 1300 30 45 50

·       Child Safeguarding and Discrimination complaints can be lodged directly to Sport Integrity Australia online at

Assumption of Risk

9.       There are risks associated with participation in Activities, and accidents can and do happen, which may result in personal injury, death, or property damage. You should ensure You are aware of all risks involved, including those associated with any health condition You may have. You acknowledge, understand, and accept all risks involved in Your participation in Activities.

10.   You consent to receive any medical treatment that an AHO reasonably considers necessary or desirable for You during your participation in Activities if you cannot make a rational decision about your consent at the time. You also agree to reimburse the relevant AHO for any costs or expenses incurred in providing you with such medical treatment.

Disclosure of medical conditions

11.   You warrant that prior to undertaking any Activities You are:

a.         and must continue to be medically and physically fit and able to undertake and participate in Activities; and

b.        not a danger to Yourself or to the health and safety of others.

12.   You acknowledge that You must not participate in any Activities if you have any preexisting medical or other condition that may affect the risk that either You or any other person will suffer injury, loss or damage.

13.   You acknowledge that AHOs rely on information provided by You and that all such information is accurate and complete.

14.   You agree to report any accidents, injuries, loss or damage You suffer during any Activities to the relevant AHO before You leave any relevant venue in the manner required by the relevant AHO.

Privacy and Use of Personal Information

15.    The personal information that the AHO collects from You may be used and disclosed for the purposes set out in the HA Privacy Policy available at and the privacy policy of the AHO, if any, including administering and marketing competitions, activities and other events; and the provision of hockey-related information and communication from AHOs.

16.   You may opt out of your email being used for communication purposes by contacting the AHO and/or managing your communication preferences online.

17.   The AHO may use third parties (such as IT providers, venue operators or survey providers) to collect your personal information or give them your information to help run hockey, as required by law. The AHO will always act in accordance with the Australian Hockey Privacy Policy and its privacy policy, if any.

18.   Subject to applicable Rules (including the HA Privacy Policy), You consent to photographs and video captured, recorded and livestreamed during your participation in any Activities and to AHOs using your name, image and likeness in any form or medium for:

a.         general marketing and promotional activities related to hockey in Australia; or

b.        the administration of hockey in Australia (e.g., to assist in identifying and investigating prohibited conduct under the NIF or for use in disciplinary proceedings, including tribunal hearings)

in each case without your further consent being necessary.

19.   If you do not wish to consent to your name, image and likeness being used for general marketing and promotional activities related to hockey in Australia, please notify the relevant AHO.

20.   An AHO may apply additional terms and conditions in relation to your registration, including, but not limited to, the collection of your personal information.

21.   Where there is any overlap between these terms and conditions and additional terms applied by an AHO in accordance with clause 18, the additional terms prevail to the extent of the inconsistency.

Insurance and Membership Cancellation

22.   You become entitled to a level of insurance protection as detailed at This coverage is limited and does not include all potential risks. You are strongly encouraged to review your personal insurance needs to ensure comprehensive protection while participating in Activities.

23.   Subject to any requirements of the AHO's constitution, you must notify the AHO in writing if you wish to cancel your registration. Following the AHO's confirmation to you of your registration cancellation, you will have no entitlement to the benefits that attach to Participants.

24.   Refunds will only be provided in the circumstances set out in the HA Refund Policy.

Parent/Guardian Declaration

Where the applicant is under 18 years of age the below must be acknowledged by the applicant’s parent or legal guardian: 

You authorise and consent to the applicant registering and participating in Activities. In consideration of the applicant's membership to the AHO being accepted, You expressly agree to be responsible for the applicant's behaviour and agree to accept, in your capacity as parent or guardian, the terms set out in this membership declaration. In addition, You agree to be bound by and to comply with the Rules and all other rules, regulations, by-laws and policies of the AHO.

Hockey ACT

Hockey ACT Membership Disclaimer

By ticking this form, I agree to comply with all rules, constitution, regulations and by-laws, codes of conduct and member protection policy of Hockey Australia and Hockey ACT.

Current financial members of Hockey ACT will be covered by the Sports Injury Insurance Policy provided by the Association’s agent. In consideration of my application for membership of Hockey ACT being accepted by Hockey ACT, I acknowledge and agree that:

  1. Release and Indemnity: In consideration of the Association accepting my application for membership, I, to the extent permitted by law a. release the Hockey Organisations from all Claims that I have, may have or may have had but for this release, arising from, or in connection with, my membership and/or participation in any Hockey Activities; and b. indemnify, and will keep indemnified, on demand the Hockey Organisations in respect of any Claim by any person arising as a result of, or in connection with, my membership and/or participation in any Hockey Activities.
  2. I am bound by, and agree to comply with, the constitutions, regulations, and policies of the Association.
  3. I am exposed to certain risks, and accidents can happen, in the course of my participating in any Hockey Activities which may result in me being injured, or my property being damaged.
  4. I declare that I am medically and physically fit and able to participate in any Hockey Activities. I will immediately notify the Association of any change to my medical condition, fitness, or ability to participate in any Hockey Activities.


Hockey ACT is a Child Safe Organisation

Hockey ACT and Hockey Australia have zero tolerance for child abuse or neglect in any form. 

All children have the right to feel safe and protected from all forms of abuse, harm, and neglect. children have the right to take part in hockey in a safe, positive, and enjoyable environment.

Hockey ACT is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people in hockey by providing safe and inclusive environments and ensuring that everyone involved in hockey is proportionately educated and informed of their responsibilities to protect and look after children and young people.

Hockey ACT and Hockey Australia have adopted the National Integrity Framework and are committed to implementing the National Principles for Child Safe Organisations and ensuring that child safety is reflected in everything we do.

For more information see the Hockey Australia Safe Hockey Hub.


Hockey ACT Privacy Disclaimer

Hockey ACT Privacy Statement:  Hockey ACT is committed to the protection of your personal information. Any personal information that you provide to Hockey ACT will be used by Hockey ACT only for the following  purposes, namely the purposes of membership administration, membership statistics for research, developing and managing new and existing programs, strategic and planning purposes, the promotion of hockey in ACT, and communicating and providing information to participants about their membership and/or their involvement in programs, competitions, including those of sponsors and other general hockey activities, and purposes related  to each of the foregoing purposes. Hockey ACT will not disclose any personally identifiable information about you obtained from you to other parties or for purposes other than those referred to above. It is the policy of Hockey ACT to comply with the Privacy Act (Cth). Personal information about you is obtained by Hockey ACT only from information provided by you. This data is collected by clubs affiliated with Hockey ACT.

Members can gain access, or change access, to their personal information provided to Hockey ACT, or advise their desire for their said personal information to not be used for any of the above purposes by contacting their association affiliated with Hockey ACT, or by contacting Hockey ACT directly.

C. R. United Hockey Club Inc.

Hello Members,

Please ensure that you read our club's 2024 Code of Behaviours, and abide by them as expected of all Members.

By registering here as a player, coach, umpire or non-playing member you acknowledge and accept C.R. United Hockey Club's Code of Behaviours, which includes our General Code of Behaviours, Illegal Drug Policy and Child Safe Code of Conduct.

You can download a copy from our website under the Registration Tab.

Any further inquiries can be addressed to the President of C.R. United Hockey Club (contact details on website).


C.R. United Hockey Club Inc.

Files available for download

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