
Step 1/6: Let's get started
Step 1/6: Let's get started

We welcome you to our club family and look forward to seeing you out on the field this season or supporting us from the sidelines.

Below is the registration link for Hockey ACT and C.R. United Club Fees.   

The Hockey ACT registration needs to be completed and paid before taking to the field for training and games, as it contains your player insurance.

You now have the option of paying your Club Fees at the same time as your Hockey ACT registration via the RevSport member portal (which will incur additional card processing fees).

Otherwise Club fees will be invoiced directly from the club upon completion of our Club Registration form, or you can make payment straight away via direct bank transfer (refer to Membership Information for our payment details)

Please also familiarise yourself with our Code of Behaviours attached below. All members are required to adhere to this code at all times. 



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