Welcome to the Hockey South West!
If this is your first year playing, or you are returning to the field after some time away, WELCOME!
Please ensure you complete your registration using the details of the person PLAYING the game. So for parents, please ensure you use your CHILDS DETAILS when filling in the form.
If you played hockey in 2024, please register with the team you played in.
Hook-in2-Hockey - If this is the first time you have played hockey and are aged between 6 and 14, please click through enrol for the come and try event. If you have played previously, scroll to the bottom and select the RETURNING MEMBER option.
For those interested in volunteering, being a coach or assisting as team managers, please select the Non-Playing registration (it is $0) and enter YOUR details.
2025 Fees Breakdown.
There is been an increase in the Hockey Victoria & Hockey Australia registration fee. Please note that Hockey South West have NOT increased fees in 2025. It was determined that the fees as set in 2024 are sufficient to cover our operational costs, so they are not going to be increased. It is alo orth mentioning that as a Hockey VIC & Aus member, you have access to the following member benefits which are explained in the welcome email you recieve after registering.
Importantly, the payment for HSW membership is a once off and players won't be asked to contribute weekly fees for the management of the competition. Each team may look to do fundraising to assist in the purchase of new uniforms or equipment from time to time.
Flexible payment options for the Hockey South West component of the membership fee are available and can be customised to suit your needs. This option can arranged by selecting the Payment Plan preference. Discounts for families registering multiple players is available by using the code FAM2 for the second member, FAM3 for the 3rd, FAM4 etc for each additional family member. Please contact the treasurer who can assist with payment plans.
We appreciate that sport is another cost to the family budget and can assist by spreading payments out over an agreed timeframe. It needs to be noted that the HV & HA fees MUST be paid at the first registration step, we have no ability to make arrangements for those components, however the HSW fee we can spread out over a number of payments.
Fees to Hockey South West go to paying the overall operating expenses which include items such as rent, insurance for the building and equipment, power & gas (largest expenses), pitch maintenance, HV & HA affiliation fees, garbage collection. etc. Whilst our canteen does turn a small profit each year, we also need to set aside funds for the future replacement of the pitch.
The committee would welcome suggestions and assistance to support our small volunteer group to secure grants or sponsorship which can also assist in reduction of fees for all players. Please contact the secretary if you have any questions about this, we'd love to hear from you.
JUNIORS playing in the HSW Warrnambool based competition, excluding Hookin2Hockey members.
* $56.81 Hockey Australia membership & Insurance
* $55.19 Hockey Victoria membership
* $120 Hockey South West membership ($20 discount for each additional family member)
* $10 Hockey South West Pitch Replacement Fund Contribution
= $242 total fee for 1 player
SENIOR players 19+
* $72.71 Hockey Australia membership & Insurance
* $68.79 Hockey Victoria membership
* $200 Hockey South West membership ($20 discount for each additional family member)
* $10 Hockey South West Pitch Replacement Fund Contribution
= $351 total fee for 1 player
Other membership options
* $ 0.00 - Non-playing members
* $40.50 Hockey Victoria Officials Registration
* $50.00 Social Supporter Membership (yep, its a tax deductable donation)