Windsor Croquet Club


Brooch competitons are held between March and November at Windsor. 

The Association Brooch is held on the first Friday of the month (between March and November).

The Golf Brooch is held on the thrid Friday of the month (between March and November).

Golf Doubles competitons are held twice a year in June and Novmeber

Association Singles Brooch is held in September

The purpose of the Windsor Brooch is

- to provide players from all clubs an opportunity to compete against club and non-club memebers in a relaxed and competitive environment.

- to provide up and coming players their first competitive experience with some support.

- to provide Assocaiton players a regular game outside thier own club.

- For everyone to enjoy the experience.

Entries are open 1 month prior to each competion. Check out the Event tab for competions details and etnry.

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