
Rowing is a sport that attracts people of all ages and from all walks of life, with the youngest starting at around 13 yrs old to 70 and 80 year old veteran rowers.

It is a sport that can be undertaken individually or as part of a crew. Participation can be on any level you choose: for recreation and a form of exercise, for social interaction as part of a crew, for individual challenge and to compete at a local level, or as an elite competitive athlete.

Successful rowers develop a deep practical understanding of the power of teamwork. They learn to build and perform as a team, and they learn to deal with the common obstacles and snags that impede teamwork. Rowers learn a kind of mental discipline that stands them in good stead in any endeavor they may undertake.

F u n

Rowing is all about enjoying your sport and mixing with like-minded active people on the water and off. You can row in a crew boat or on your own.

F i t n e s s

Rowing, physically, is one of the most demanding exercises around with nearly every muscle in the body being used in the rowing motion. Rowing is also one of the best, low-impact, cardio-vascular exercises. You can choose the intensity of your training schedule. A high level of physical fitness is not required to begin rowing. Rowing helps young people build healthy minds and bodies through the personal and physical challenge of team sport.

C o a c h i n g

One of our accredited coaches will be available to you at all times. Full supervision will be provided until you are fully competent at rowing.

C o m p e t i t i o n

Rowing has been described as the "ultimate team sport" because each rower's individual effort, no matter how great, must harmonize with that of every other rower to create the smooth, synchronous flow of a winning boat. Once proficient at rowing you will be invited to become a full member of the Club and compete for Tweed at regattas throughout the year.

A l l  y e a r  r o u n d

Rowing on the Tweed River is something you can do all year round in our wonderful climate. Various competition seasons also continue throughout the entire year.

G r e a t  V a l u e

The Learn to Row program costs just $200 and this includes participation insurance and coaching for up to 2 months by which time you can decide to become a full member, and join our Junior program with Coach Garry Annand.