The ACT Saturday morning Junior competition provides opportunities for players of all ages and skill levels to participate in the game of teeball/softball. The Junior competition is a mixed gender competition, with varying rules across each division to maximise both player enjoyment and progressive skill development. All games are played at the fields of the Hawker International Softball Centre.
When aging out of the junior competition, there are pathways for players to transition to the competitive or social grades of the Men’s and Women’s competitions (15+), or play in the mid-week Social 7s competition (13+).
For the 24/25 season, Sutherland is looking to fill the following teams in the Junior competition:
U8s Turbo Teeball
U10s Teeball
U12s Softball
Div 2 Softball
Our coaches pride themselves on providing a safe, welcoming and encouraging place for players to meet new people and develop their teeball/softball skills. We welcome players of all skill levels at any age to all our junior teams, but are particularly looking for more players aged 12-15 for our Div 2 High School team, and players aged 4-7 for our U8s team.
Sport participation is beneficial for adolescent physical health. It: strengthens bones and muscles1,2, improves cardiovascular and muscular fitness2,3, decreases risk of obesity4, improves motor skills4 and improves sleep2.
U8s Turbo Teeball
For players aged 4-7 years old, Turbo Teeball is a modified teeball game. All players get to bat, run the bases, and learn fielding positions every inning, all while building foundational batting, throwing, catching, and base running skills before moving into teeball and softball.
U10s Teeball
For players aged 9 years and under, the U10s teeball competition builds upon the skills and game knowledge developed by players in Turbo teeball. Players in this age group learn about fielding strategy while continuing to refine and develop their batting technique off the tee. This allows players to consolidate their foundational skills before moving into the softball divisions.
U12s Softball
Players aged 11 years and younger are introduced to the game of softball, learning to bat a pitched ball, as well as developing skills as a Pitcher and Catcher. This is the first competitive level of softball in the ACT. Game rules follow the more traditional softball rules along with runners starting each inning on base.
Div 2 Softball
High school players aged 12-17 years old further increase their skill levels across all areas of the game. This competitive division focuses on player development before moving to the adult competitions. No state level players are allowed to play in this division.
Div 1 Softball
This competition is for competitive and high level players aged 12-17 years old. This competition provides more consistent competition for state players in preparation for their national tournaments. State level players are required to play in this division.
For the 24/25 season, the ACT Junior competition will be held on Saturday mornings with each of the divisions played at the following times:
8:00am – 8:45am U8s Turbo Teeball
8:00am – 9:30am U12s Softball
9:45am – 10:45am U10s Teeball
9:45am – 11:15am Division 2 Softball
11:30 – 1pm Division 1 Softball
Training for each of the junior teams are held at Mawson Playing Fields on weekdays. The training days are organised between teams to suit the majority availability of the players. Training sessions on weekdays usually run for an hour to an hour and a half.
Each team may be allocated canteen and umpiring duties at Hawker throughout the season by Softball ACT. Team canteen duties are distributed between players and allocated via a roster each season. It is expected that you fill just one canteen duty and one umpiring duty per player registered across the season.
For details on junior fees, see: Fees
Teeball teams (u8s and u10s) wear our Sutherland Puppies shirts (borrowed for the season from the Club), with blue shorts. Junior softball teams wear the Junior shirt (borrowed for the season from the Club), plain royal blue socks, blue shorts or pants (U12s & Div 2), with the option of pants (black for girls, white/grey for boys) for Div 2 players.
Blue shorts as well as other uniform options such as hats, visors and hoodies, can be ordered here: Uniforms
Royal blue socks can be purchased from Intersport Fyshwick or Rebel Sport.