
Step 1/9: Let's get started
Step 1/9: Let's get started

To play the 2024 season please select one of the buttons below to register, then select the appropriate player option and proceed through all the pages to the payment page. 

The online payment is for Hockey Queensland fees only, all other payments will be made directly with our club via an invoice from our Treasurer [MHA fees and club fees will be advised soon].

Description of player options:

  • Senior Player Levy (19+): Those playing a full hockey season over the age of 19 and not a student.
  • Student Player Levy (19-24): Those playing a full hockey season are aged 19 to 24 and are completing fulltime study
  • Junior Player Levy (18 and under): Those playing a full hockey season under the age of 18.
  • Coach/Manager:  Coach of a team who aren't registering to play.
  • Volunteer: Executive or managing staff who aren't registering to play.

For any questions regarding registration please email

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