
Stawell and Ararat Cross Country Club


Aggregate points

Published Fri 21 Jul 2023

7 weeks with 3 Championship races to go

Peter Gibson leads the aggregate ladder, with John Peacock and Jack Trounson equal Second  Adrian Van Raaphorst is gaining on them  

With Paul Fenn currently leading the championship ladder  

The Aggregate is the number of points awarded to runners for each start, depending on their finish in the race once handicaps are applied.
1st: 13 points
2nd, 3rd, 4th: 8 points,

5th, 6th, 7th: 7 points.

8th, 9th, 10th: 6 points, 

11th, 12th, 13th: 5 points
14th, 15th, 16th: 4 points,

17th, 18th, 19th: 3 points
Further, a runner receives one point, for starting in the race and a further two points if he completes the course unaided. In the event of a dead heat, the points total is to be divided.

Club Championship points are awarded (in order of actual times recorded) in designated races for the following categories:
Open, Over 40, Over 50, Female
First Fastest: 10 points; 2nd 8th 1pt.

To be eligible to participate in, or win the Aggregate Competition, or any Club Championship, the runner must be a financial member of the club, and have competed in at least 13 (65%) Aggregate club runs, up to, and including the last championship race in the year of competition.

To be eligible to compete in an over 40 or 50 championship, the runner must turn 40 or 50 before the first championship race of that year. A birthday after that date means the runner is eligible to compete in the lesser age group.



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