Permission to Publish

General permission to publish


Dear Parent/ Carer and participant,

We are requesting your authorisation to permit Sydney Scooter Club (SSC) to share and publish the experiences of yourself or your child with other members of the scootering community. This includes informing the broader community about Sydney Scooter Club’s events as well as documenting participation on notable competitions or social gatherings.

This information may include your child’s name, age, Sponsors and information collected at such events as photographs, sound and visual recordings of your child or yourself.

The communications in which yourself or child’s information may be published or disclosed include but are not limited to: Sydney Scooter Club SSC website, Instagram YouTube, Facebook, local and metropolitan newspapers, magazines, and other media outlets.

Parents and riders should be aware that when information is published on public websites and social media channels, it can be discoverable online for a number of years, if not permanently.

Search engines may also cache or retain copies of published information. Published information can also be linked to by third parties. Please complete the permission form and return to Sydney Scooter Club along with your registration with Sydney Scooter Club.


Yours sincerely

Brittney Speirs

President Sydney Scooter Club



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