
OPNA, the Olds Park Netball Association, was formed in 2009 out of the long running and very successful Baptist Women’s Netball Association. That lineage has seen many committed people and generations of family members all enjoying the sport and each other’s company. We hope you also enjoy your time with us.

The object of OPNA is to “provide fellowship and unity among girls on the field of sport”.

Competition is held at Olds Park, Peakhurst with games usually played April through to August. Teams that reach finals then play through to the end of August.

Games commence at 1:00pm (unless noted otherwise) on Saturday for Subs & Junior Teams and continuing on through the afternoon for the older girls and ladies. Any girl is free to join any of the clubs provided they are willing to comply with the rules of OPNA.

All girls and ladies from Inter age upward are expected to umpire their share of games and attempt the Umpire Exam. All Open teams registering must supply 2 Umpires names on their registration form and the name of the Manager.