To register, please follow the below instructions:
- If you played last year and registered on this site, click renew. Otherwise, click "Register" at the bottom of the page
- Fill in your Details (make sure your date of birth is correct, as the system has age limits on competitions)
- Select the relevant registration type - this will be the grade which you wish to play in for the 2024 season. If you wish to pay the full fees now through Revolutionise then select the option with "Pay Now" in the title, if you select "Pay Later" you will still be required to pay the HACT Levy ($53 for Seniors).
- If you select "Pay Later", payment is to be made direc to to the OCHC bank account: BSB 062-901 Acct 1000 0819. Please include youe name and grade within the payment description and email your confirmation to
- Click Next Step (Note if there is no "Next Step" button displayed at the bottom of the page, click the "Register" button again and it should appear)
- Fill in the relevant details
- Add Payment details to pay HACT Levy
- Scroll to the bottom of the terms and conditions, there is an extra checkbox to tick.
- Tick the obvious checkboxes below the terms and conditions
- Click "Pay Now" to pay the Hockey Australia Levy online, and fees (if relevant to you).
Senior Players are required to purchase their own uniforms. Uniforms can be purchased from the Hockey Shop at the Lyneham Hockey Centre. Please note: There is a waiting time for new uniforms, so it is important to get in ASAP to ensure it arrives in time. Our uniform consists of a checkered black and Yellow (gold) playing shirt, Black shorts or skirts, and black socks with yellow fold over.
Members playing in our CL1 teams do not need to purchase their t-shirts, as playing shirts with our current sponsors will be purchased on a periodic basis. Please contact the coach or manager of CL1 if you require uniform.