
Normanton Athletics Club


Our Season will go on

Published Wed 17 Jun 2020

The NKAC 2020 season will continue on with some changes for the year due to the effects of returning to sport because of COVID-19. One of the changes is that we have decided to wait until stage 3 has commenced so that we would be able to have everyone be able to attend training as well as have the parents of our athletes able to attend and be able to watch or help out with the trainings. Other changes include having a sanitisation station on the arrival and recording all in attendance, enforcing if your sick don't come to training, santising of equipment after use and social distancing. Parents will also be required to sign a waiver stating they will not 

Other things include a reduction in membership fees and changing club days into a tri series running competition. We have also included a social membership of $5 that will give people an entry into our monthly membership and hopefully down the track many other benefits.

We will also be holding re sign on days this coming weekend so we will be able to provide you all with a lot more info and answer any questions you may have.

Thanks all for your patience.

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