Academy Graduates Development Regatta - 2023


Sat 06 May 2023 08:30 — 17:30

Event information

Registrations for this event are closed.

Academy Graduates Development Regatta 2023

An invitation is extended to all sailors who have been part of the Sailing Academy to enter the Academy Graduates Development Regatta 2023.

This event, designed to develop sailing in the Newcastle region, is an annual regatta to provide sailors with an enjoyable “around the buoys” inshore racing event where fun & learning is the primary focus.

Now in it's fifth year, the event aims to encourage graduates who have completed sailing courses with the NCYC Sailing Academy to experience what a possible next step might be . . . into regatta racing. 

Individual sailors can register for the regatta.  We will allocate you into a crew of upto three other Sailing Academy graduates and a skilled Mentor Skipper - forming a total crew of 5 sailors. The Entry Fee is $120.00 per person and includes a full day of sailing, on-water snacks, a quick lunch and a fun presentation with prizes in the afternoon.

We will run a Training Morning on Saturday 6th May so you can get together with your crew, meet one another and have a bit of practise time on water. Then after a quick bite to eat for lunch we'll be back on the water for the Regatta of up to 4 races! 

You can download the "Notice of Race" which gives you all the details about the Regatta -

If you have any questions at all or need something clarified, please do not hesitate to contact Jacqui or Andrew in the Sailing Office - 4940 8188 or


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