Fee Structure 2024

After careful consideration and a thorough review of our budget, we find it necessary to adjust the fees for the upcoming season. This decision is not taken lightly, and is directly driven by increases across league fees, venue hire charges, and other unavoidable expenditures associated with running the club. We will always strive to keep fees as low as possible for members.

As such please see the fees for the 2024 season 2 will be:

EBL (Sunday Teams) $350 per player

CSBA ( Saturday Teams) $395 per player 

Emanuel/Moriah Teams (term 1 and term 2) $380 per player

Training Only - $195 per term 

Withdrawal Fee: Anyone who cancels their registration after committing to a program will incur a withdrawal fee for an amount of $40. 

Our club holds many core values, one of these being that of inclusivity. We firmly believe that every aspiring athlete, regardless of their financial circumstances, should have the opportunity to participate in the sport they love. As such, if you or anyone you know may be facing financial challenges that could potentially hinder participation, please be in touch with Nikki Lloyd or a member of our committee. We understand that everyone's situation is unique, and our aim is to work collaboratively and to find a solution that ensures every player can continue to be an integral part of our club.
