Melbourne Softball Association Inc

Fawkner Park Titans

Fawkner Park Titans (girls 12-16 year old)

Fawkner Park Titians is a development squad that competes in our Metro League B grade competition. All games are played at Fawkner Park on Sundays from May to September (excluding King’s Birthday weekend).

Girls aged from 12 years of age, whether they have participated in a Home Run Heroes program at the park or at school can commence their fastpitch softball experience by becoming a member of the Fawkner Park Titans team. Girls who play or have played fastpitch softball in a club or at school are also welcomed to join Fawkner Park Titans.

The focus is on fun, all-inclusive and safe skill training and games whilst developing the individuals’ life and softball knowledge and skills. Training commences at 10 am each Sunday, and the game finishes at 12 noon.

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