
First time umpires take the courts!

Published Mon 24 Aug 2020


A huge congratulations to the 15 girls that took to the courts for the first time last weekend as umpires. Umpiring takes a lot of courage and confidence and we are really proud of them for taking the first step.


We had a record amount of 20 interested young ladies who have written the online exam, gone through training and mentoring sessions with our Senior Maccabi umpires as well as experienced external resources and sent onto court on game day to put their learning to the test. They are supported by our senior Maccabi umpires who mentor them over a few sessions until they are ready to take to umpire the courts alone.


 A special Thank You to the clubs Umpire Coordinators, Elvira Naiman and Kirsten Miller for all their hard work, long hours and total dedication in getting these 15 girls on the court as umpires. Thank you both so much.


We look forward to seeing the next lot of young umpires go this weekend! And hope to see many more of you next year.


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