
Step 1/6: Let's get started
Step 1/6: Let's get started

In 2025 all Jeaden members (new and old) must register through Revolutionise Sport.

All coaches and entrants participating in solo, duo, or trio sections must be registered with Calisthenics Victoria by 7 February 2025.

***Please NOTE - For all perfomers - CV has stated that no one is to participate in or conduct a class unless they are registered, with the exception of 2 trial classes for new performers.

Registration Cost is $150.00 for Jeaden Performers.

NB: revolutioniseSPORT fees and Pin Payments fees are charged on top of this amount (total cost for registration with fees is approximately $155.71

If you are experiencing any issues with your registration please do not hesitate to contact the Calisthenics Victoria office on 9562 6011 or 

Please note registrations are non-refundable except in individual cases of severe financial hardship. 

   If you are a returning calisthenic performer (from any club - including Jeaden) please select RENEW.

   If you are brand new to calisthenics and have never registered with Calisthenics Victoria before, please slect REGISTER.


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