
Gladesville Ryde Physical Culture Club Inc

Member Declaration

I undertake that the registered member will participate in Physical Culture classes, competitions and associated activities with Gladesville Ryde Physie in accordance with the rules of Gladesville Ryde Physie and the Bjelke Peterson School of Physical Culture (BjP).

Gladesville Ryde Physie advocates safe dance practices at all times however we do not take responsibility for injuries which may occur. Members participate at their own risk.

This declaration releases Gladesville Ryde Physie, its teachers, officers or members from any responsibility for any injury or loss, claim or liability whilst the member is involved directly or indirectly in Gladesville Ryde Physie activities.

Code of Conduct and Behaviour

As a registered member  / parent of a registered member, I will abide by the BJP School of Physical Culture Code of Conduct available by clicking here.

As a registred member  / parent of a registered member, I will respect the teachers decision and expertise. 

As a registered member I have the right to participate in individual and team competitions if I wish. I understand that the Teaching Team will make every effort to include all members who wish to be part of a team in accordance with numbers and BJP rules and may have to make selections based on availability and attendance.


As a registered member of Gladesville Ryde Physie, I agree to pay the Club registration and Term Fees as agreed. If I do not pay these fees, I understand I am not permitted to attend classes until paid in full. Fees are non-refundable.

BjP Registration: 5 years - Ladies

As a registered member of Gladesville Ryde Physie, I agree to register with and pay a fee of $99 to BjP by my third class. If I do not pay this fee, I understand I am not permitted to attend classes at Gladesville Ryde Physie until it is paid in full.

Fees are non-refundable.

Once registered with a BJP Club I understand and accept that I cannot apply for a transfer to another club after 15 March unless I have a legitimate change of residential address bringing me closer to the club I wish to transfer to, or if my present club can no longer offer a BjP syllabus class for me.

Consent to Use Images and Footage

Images, sound and visual recordings, including clearly identifiable images and recordings, may be published by Gladesville Ryde Physie for the purposes of promotional, educational and collaborative purposes relating to Gladesville Ryde Physie and its related services and activities. I understand that as part of publication my first name and age group/section for BjP Classes and Competitions may be used. The communications in which the images, sound, visual recordings and information may be published include but are not limited to public and member websites of Gladesville Ryde Physie promotional material published in print and electronically and social media accounts on networks such as Facebook and Instagram. I am aware that when information is published on public websites and social media channels it can be linked to by third parties and may be discoverable online for a number of years, if not permanently. Search engines may also cache or retain copies of published information.

Consent for Participation in WhatsApp Groups

Gladesville Ryde Physie uses WhatsApp Private Member Groups for educational and teaching purposes. These Groups are created and managed by the Club's BjP Associates for teaching of the BjP Syllabus, choreography and technique correction and individual/team rehearsal/performance review. Images, sound and visual recordings of participants and BjP Associates, including clearly identifiable images and recordings, are published in these Private WhatsApp Groups. Inclusion in the WhatsApp Group requires the provision of a member's mobile number or that of a Parent/Guardian for Junior Members. This mobile number will be visible to other members of the WhatsApp Group.