
Bunbury Swimming Club


The following information and infographic provides a summary of the types of competitions available to swimmers at each development stage.

Club Time Trials

Time Trials are the first step on the competition journey.  Swimmers can learn to compete in a friendly and supportive environment.  We expect that swimmers are developing their competition skills and rules are focused on development and are not strictly applied.

​Times recorded at Time Trials are used for Bunbury Swimming Club only.  They can not be used as qualifying times for any other meets.

Junior Excellence (JX) Program

The Australian Junior Excellence (JX) Program recognises, rewards and encourages junior swimmers who, through their development of acquatic skills and fitness, achieve a high standard of swimming excellence.

​Swimmers aged from 9 to 16 years, who accomplish times set by Swimming Australia, qualify at Gold, Silver, Bronze or Green standard, depending on their best performance/s during the year (April to April).  Times must have been recorded at a development meet, preparation meet or Regional/State/National competition.

​JX Award Prize Packs for the previous season are awarded at a Club Night.

​Visit the Swimming Australia website for more information on the program.

Regional Carnivals/Meets

When swimmers are confident competing at Club Nights they may like to move onto Regional Carnivals or Swim Meets.  These meets are conducted by Swimming Clubs within WA and are held throughout the year. 

There are many different types of meets that a swimmer can choose from, depending on their development stage and personal goals. 

​Inter-club Friendly Meets - are designed for novice swimmers.  These meets would be an ideal next step after Club Nights.  Times recorded at these meets cannot be used to qualify for any other meets.

​Development Meets - are designed for swimmers looking to increase their competition experience.  Times recorded at development meets can be used to qualify for all meets except Championships conducted by Swimming WA and Swimming Australia.

​Preparation Meets - are the highest level of competition that is conducted by swimming clubs.  These meets have a higher level of competition with many swimmers competing to achieve state and national qualifying times.  Times recorded at preparation meets can be used to qualify for all other meets including State and National Championships.

​Short Course - These meets are conducted in a 25m pool and swimmers must be competent with their turns before racing. Times recorded at a short course meet can be used to qualify for meets using the short course qualifying times.  The short course season typically runs in the second half of the year in the lead up to the Australian Short Course Championships in September/October.

​Long Course - These meets are conducted in a 50m pool.  Times recorded at a long course meet can be used to qualify for meets using the long course qualifying times.  The long course season typically runs after the short course season in the lead up to the Australian Swimming Championships and Australian Age Championships in April.

​Open Water - These meets are conducted at open water venues around WA and range in distance from .5km to 10km.  Open water competitions typically run from October to January.

Bunbury Open Carnival

​Each year in October, the Bunbury Swimming Club hosts the annual Bunbury Open Carnival. The event attracts swimmers from all over the state, and it is an excellent opportunity for our swimmers to compete on their home turf.

​​Country Pennants

​The Club participates at Country Pennants which is an annual Inter-Club swimming competition steeped in history and tradition. All Regional WA Swimming Clubs are invited to attend, and the meet is always held over the long weekend in March.

Country Pennants gives Bunbury swimmers a chance to travel, play and swim as a team, and helps to foster strong relationships between swimmers of all ages.

State Championships

State Championships are conducted by Swimming WA and include the following competitions:

  • ​Short Course Qualifying Meets
  • Short Course Preparation Meets
  • WA Short Course Championships
  • WA Sprint Championships
  • WA Open Water Swim Championships
  • Long Course Qualifying Meets

  • WA Championships

National Championships

National Championships are conducted by Swimming Australia and include:

  • ​State Teams Age Short Course Championships
  • Australian Short Course Swimming Championships
  • Australian Open Water Swimming Championships
  • Australian Age Swimming Championships
  • Australian Swimming Championships

​Details of State and National Championships can be found on the Swimming WA website

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