Brisbane Women's Hockey Association

Log in with Participants Details
01 Mar 2023
Please ensure you log in with the Participants Rev Sport details, not Parents Rev Sport details if your registering your child for a trial or development program.
Development Clinic Registrations and Representative Trial Nomination Links · Read more
2024 Representative Managers Report
Wed 07 Jun 2023 00:00 — Thu 19 Dec 2024 00:00
Brisbane Women's Hockey Association
2024 BWHA Representative Managers Report - Post Tournament
2024 BWHA Representative Coaches Report
Tue 06 Feb 2024 00:00 — Sat 19 Oct 2024 00:00
Brisbane Women's Hockey Association
2024 BWHA Representative Coaches Report - Post Tournament
2024 BWHA Representative Umpire Agreement/Acceptance
Mon 12 Feb 2024 00:00 — Thu 26 Sep 2024 19:30
Brisbane Women's Hockey Association
BWHA Representative Umpires Procedure for all BWHA Appointed Representative Umpires for HQ State Championship Tournaments in 2024. Acceptance of Appointed position.