Welcome to Botany Bay Yacht Club. Register for a SailPass, apply for membership, enter a race series or book an event here, or for more information, please visit the Club’s main website

BBYC is located on Kogarah Bay, Sans Souci. We’re a friendly volunteer sailing club run by members for our members. We have a mixed keel and sports boat fleet that sails on the enclosed waters of Botany Bay and the Georges River and have an active cruising club for those who prefer more relaxed adventures on Botany Bay and beyond. 

What would you like to do?

  1. Register for SailPass

Want to try crewing at BBYC? With SailPass you can try sailing free up to three times. 

Your SailPass will provide you with personal injury insurance cover for the day(s) that you are registered.


If you have previously registered for a SailPass, been a member of our Club (or any Australian club) in the past few years, your details (including Australian Sailing Number) should be in the system, please use this number when registering below: find my AS Number.

More info

To register for SailPass  please click the button below.

  1. Membership - join BBYC

For more information on membership categories and benefits, please visit membership categories

To register now please click the button below.


Click Here To Apply

Contact us



Casual Entry - Saturday Races
Casual Entry for Saturday Racing
Botany Bay Yacht Club
Casual Entry - Twilight / Novelty Races
Casual Entry - Twilight / Novelty Races
Botany Bay Yacht Club