1. Registrations are now open www.register.avondalehockeyclub.com.au - You must be registered before you play
2. Training is on Mondays 6pm - 7pm (Unanderra GK Field)
3. We have entered 3 teams in the Women’s Competition mainly on Saturdays some Friday night games, and 1 team in the Men’s 4th Grade Competition mainly Sundays, some Friday night games. Positions are available in all teams and new players are welcome.
4. Competitions will commence the weekend of 17th, 18th and 19th March.
5. If you need a new uniform please get onto that now so that we can make sure you are sorted before the season.
6. If you are not a member of the Facebook Group or do not receive the Team App communications, please message admin@avondalehockeyclub.com.au so we can make sure you are added. These are our main forms of communication so you need to make sure that your are on them and know how to use them. You can enter Availabilities in Team app as soon as you know you are away.
Attached is the ISC Hockey Draft Field and Indoor plan so you can see what weeks are off, (EASTER and JUNE LWE) when different championships are on. When finals are on and when the indoor season is planned for. This could change but it gives you an idea of what is planned at this stage.