
Ultimate Frisbee is an international sport. The game is fast and free-flowing and combines the elements of netball and those of the football codes. It is played on a field similar in size to a rugby field, with two zones at each end. 

The basic aim is for the team with the frisbee is to pass the disc up the field to others on their team and catch it in the end zone. At the same time, the defensive team is trying to intercept it or knock it down. If they succeed, they get possession of the frisbee and are trying to score in the other endzone. Ultimate Frisbee is a non-contact sport. 

Players cannot run when in possession of the disc and have 10 seconds to throw the disc after taking possession. 

The game is self-refereed. Fouls and disputes are resolved by players on the field. 

The AU Ultimate Frisbee club caters for players of all standards, especially those who are new to the sport. 

The club takes part in the Uni Nationals, local competitions and recreational matches.