
Step 1/9: Let's get started
Step 1/9: Let's get started

Club Membership 

An AUBC membership will provide even more opportunities for members to get involved in the sport, whether it be through coaching sessions and competitive play or social events that will connect you with like-minded members. 

Club membership fee is currently $50 for current University of Adelaide Students. Club Membership period will last until January 31st 2025 (MEMBERSHIP LASTS FOR ONE YEAR).

AU Sport Membership 

Before joining the club, you must be an AU Sport member. This costs $11 for current University students, $71.50 for Alumni and $93.50 for community members).

Membership Benefits

- Discount on Socials at Christian Brothers College Gymnasium ($7 for Members and $12 for Non-Members)

- Discount on Club Merchandise 

- Free equipment hire during events and socials

- Access to competition opportunites (inquire via email or Facebook)