
Membership Registrations now open!

Published Mon 12 Feb 2024

Hey everyone, welcome to the New Year! Orientation week is approaching fast, and so is our first social session for the year! Membership registrations are now open for this year, and will provide you with benefits such as access to free equipment during our events, discounts at our social sessions and the opportunity to compete in competitions representing the University of Adelaide.

From now until the 8th of March, AUSF membership will be free for all current students at the University of Adelaide, and you can register to become a member of the club for $40 for the whole year ($60 normally). After March 8th AUSF membership will be $11, and club membership fee will return to $60. Be sure to register quick!

If you have any questions feel free to contact us, or come pay us a visit during O' Week at the Sports Village!

We look forward to seeing you on the court soon!