APDA Limited


APDA Limited

By completing an online APDA individual member registration you:

  1. acknowledge that this does not automatically qualify you as a registered member of APDA Ltd.  APDA Ltd reserves the right to review and approve all registrations;
  2. have read and agree to be bound by the Terms and Conditions, Policies and Rules as published by APDA Ltd;
  3. acknowledge that APDA Ltd reserves the right to cancel your membership any time after this date where you have not adhered to the Terms and Conditions, Policies and Rules as outlined by APDA Ltd. This includes any previous breaches prior to the current registration year;
  4. understand that Registration fees are non-refundable;
  5. understand that APDA Ltd may ask you to verify your date of birth to ensure that you are registered in the correct age group. In these circumstances, we will ask that you provide your birth certificate, licence or passport for verification of your DOB;
  6. agree that APDA Ltd may communicate with you using the contact details provided in your registration;
  7. acknowledge that your personal information provided in your registration may be shared with your Affiliated APDA Club, APDA Event/Competition Managers and any other relevant body as allowable under the Privacy Act 1988, and / or applicable legislation and laws;

APDA Ltd reserves the right to change the Terms and Conditions, Policies and Rules from time to time at APDA Ltd’s sole discretion and without any notice. These changes may be effective immediately and your continued use of the APDA Ltd services after these changes will signify your agreement to be bound by them.

Please refer to the APDA Individual Membership Rules, APDA Individual Competitor Status Rules, APDA Social Media Policy, APDA Code of Conduct and APDA Individual Membership Terms and Conditions available below.

Should you have any further questions, please contact your APDA Club Principal.


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