Round 15 of the Track & Field Summer Season at Yarra Ranges Athletics takes place on Saturday 8th of February
Who: Under 6 - Under 17 Age groups
Where: Yarra Ranges Athletics Track, Burdap Drive, Mount Evelyn
Time: 8am - 11:30am
Choose your own event Day!
U6-U8 athletes will compete in a schedule of pre selected events, with their age group, as normal.
ATHLETES: U9+ receive the opportunity to choose their preferred events (any number, up to a maximum of 5).
We encourage all athletes entered at Regions to select the events they will be competing in on this weekend.
This special program is scheduled to allow preparation for regional entrants. Other athletes should choose their favourite events and those seeking an extra event opportunity, for some PB performances, can also utilise this meeting.
CHECK: The start times carefully because Javelin, Walks, Hurdles and some jumps begin prior to 9am.
A CONTINUING PROCESS FOR 2024/25: ...Online Pre-nomination. All families U9+ will receive an e-mail in coming days, to their primary email address, with a link, to login at Results HQ & nominate events. U6-8's are pre-nominated. Those already familiar with the process can login early when nominations open.
This method will continue to save hectic administrative duties on the morning, and it will also allow for better management of athletes to present at field events. We plan to start events on time, meaning any late arrivals will, most likely, miss their event.
PROCESS: Simply log in (The 'hot tip' is to make sure you are logged in as the Primary account, desktop logins are recommended.) Mobile users should operate the device in landscape orientation.
Select -Nominations, Select - Round 15 (Choose Your Own Event) - follow the steps to select and submit your event choices.
Each event has a start time, the nomination portal will highlight possible scheduling clashes. Although we have made efforts to reduce clashing, there will be some overlapping times.
In reasonable circumstances, Where Field Events clash with track events, athletes can report to the field event and let the chief official know they are going to a track event and they can subsequently return to the field event on track event completion. Please use your best judgement when selecting any "clashing" events. Track events will not be delayed for absent athletes. Any obvious directly clashing events should be reconsidered to avoid athlete disappointment. This 'juggling' can be a necessary skill required at Regional/State/Open competitions and will assist you in not only event management, but also event pre-selection.
High Jump will be available for selection in all 9+ age groups, we will be operating an altered format to streamline, what is generally, a lengthy event. Athletes will be divided into groups 'A' & 'B' calculated on ability.
Please note: Minimum start height for 'B' groups as follows: U9-10 Scissor 65cm, U11-17 Fosbury 85cm. H/Jump 'A' group allocation to be confirmed once we establish entry numbers.
We will need lots of parent helpers on the day to assist at events and with athlete management. This ensures team managers/leaders/event chiefs can keep events running smoothly and on schedule.
More details and an indicative larger event schedule will be available closer to the date.
If you need to change event selections, you can login again and submit a change. This allowance will be removed in the final week, allowing refined scheduling. Event Nomination hard cut-off is Feb 6th, (Thursday evening) Don't leave it late to nominate or ask for help, ask questions & send an email to
Finish time around 11:30. - The program will be advised on Facebook 'Yarra Ranges Athletics' and emailed to our current members.
Financial athletes will need to wear their Registration patch and their club top with Coles patch sewn on every week.
Please join our Facebook group for this weeks program and up to date information