Wrestling Academy SA is a not-for-profit sporting club which specialises in Freestyle Olympic Wrestling.

The Olympic Sport of Wrestling involves hard work, determination, and a high degree of physical training and commitment. It is also a sport that does not promote violence in any way. Referees follow a strict set of rules to ensure the safety of the participants.

Wrestling teaches athletes discipline, respect for others, how to set and achieve goals.

Wrestling builds resilience, mental toughness, and self-confidence like no other sport.

Wrestling teaches athletes healthy eating habits and how to maintain a healthy weight.

Wrestling is a sport that involves every muscle group and every type of fitness: cardio, endurance, flexibility, strength & agility.

Wrestling develops attributes that serve for a lifetime.


The last official training session for the year will be on Wednesday, December 13. Training will then resume on Monday, January 15. · Read more
The 2023 Wrestling Academy Junior Club Championships were held on 16-APR. · Read more


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