Ok Team WYC,
We have a hard-won trophy to defend....We need YOU on the water and racing this coming Saturday for the WPC!!.
All the relevant info including entry, sailing instructions and catering orders can be found at the link below:
Entry and arrival process:
- We intend to gather at WYC and sail across. Please be READY to leave the beach no later than 1200, and 1100 if winds are light.
- We will all SIGN-ON at WYC before departure so that those not wishing to go ashore at Merricks can sail direct to the starting area.
- We will have a mandatory BREIFING at WYC prior to departure to discuss the event and answer questions
- SIgn-off will be either on-water at the finish or back at WYC - as per the Sailing Instructions.
Any questions?.......rearcommodore@westernport.org.au or 0417 578 858
James Cooper
Rear Commodore