Club Meeting February - I-Naturalist

Event information

Registrations for this event are closed.

Hi Club Members & Guests,

6.30 Practical Session:
- We will run through some recent near-miss events, and please bring along your own observations.
- Advanced tide observations for setting up dive plans for a few weeks in advance.  
- Help us brainstorm ideas for the 6.30 practical sessions throughout this year.
8.00pm presentation
Eloddie will introduce the I-Naturalist program focusing on how members can contribute to this citizen science project.
Venue Adjustments:
Stewart has arranged for extra seating at the Clare Castle.
Some members will dine outside between 7.30 and 8.00pm to free up more space around the main dining table.

Following the presentation will be the photo competition, safety items, events, news, travel & January Photo Competition.

Photo Competition (January Photos)
The usual rules apply for the phot competition:
  • Max 2 photos
  • Must be taken during that month
  • Must be taken by you
  • Should have some vague connection with diving (inclusion of some water in the picture is usually sufficient)
How to enter:
  • Ensure that the image is of suitable resolution and is a JPG for inclusion in the competition (bonus points if file size is < 5Mb)
  • Save your image file to include your name, title, location, month, each separated by a lower dash (_) and save in the following format:


Attendance and Registration

The main meeting will be held at The Clare Castle, 354 Graham St, Port Melbourne, VIC 3207. Meet at 7pm for dinner. Meeting will start at 8pm.

Prior to the VSAG dinner and meeting, at 6:30pm, a SCUBA theory session will be held at the same event and will be hosted on Zoom. This event will be run by Sandrine Balbo. Please see her seperate email to members in reference with this.

If there are insufficient numbers of registered attendees by 12pm (noon) on the Monday prior, we will cancel the live meeting.


If you wish to attend via zoom, the login in details are:

Link: Zoom Link Click

Meeting ID: 858 8055 8681

Passcode: 021427


If you are attending via zoom, there is no need to register.

The Committee and I are looking forward to seeing you.


The Committee and I are looking forward to seeing you.