

Published Wed 14 Sep 2022


Saturday 17th September

From 7pm

Victor Harbor Hockey Club ⁠


The Victor Harbor Hockey Club AGM is happening this Saturday 17th September


You will find attached a copy of the 2021 VHHC AGM Minutes and a new 'Volunteer Levy' policy which the Committee are hoping to move at the AGM this Saturday. 


The rationale behind the Volunteer Levy Policy is that there are many tasks needed to run our club successfully, and at present there are too few volunteers leaving too few people carrying too much load. The levy provided a financial incentive to members and parents to become more involved with our club and the countless activities that help our club run smoothly. 


Please take the time to read the policy so that it can be moved at our Club AGM Saturday night. 


We are still looking for some committee positions to be filled, including the positions of President & Secretary as Bomber & Leesh are stepping down!


Our club does not function without the dedicated support of our Committee and Volunteers & needs people like you to help VHHC running.


We are seeking nominations for the positions of:⁠

President⁠ - to chair meetings & to represent the club at an Association & Community level.

Vice President⁠ - to chair meetings in the absence of the President & to assist President where necessary

Secretary⁠ - to deal with incoming & outgoing correspondence and to manage the club promotions including social media & website

Assistant Secretary⁠ - to record minutes of meetings and to assist Secretary where necessary

Treasurer⁠ - manages the financial matters of the club

Assistant Treasurer⁠ - to assist the Treasurer with financial matters of the club

Junior Coordinator⁠ - the voice of our junior members and to represent our juniors at Association level

Members Representative x2⁠ - represents club members at committee level




Non-committee positions (this person does not need to attend committee meetings)⁠


Bar Manager⁠ - manages the bar stock and rosters

Canteen Manager⁠ - manages the canteen stock and rosters


Committee nominations can include players, parents & supporters.


If you are interested in becoming a committee member, nomination forms are available from the bar or can be given on the night of the AGM. Please speak to an existing committee member to find out more!


Thank you 🙌

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